Ms. Lavanya Jegatheesparan

Ms. Lavanya Jegatheesparan
B.Sc Hons (EUSL), M.Sc (UPDN) , MLS (UoC)
Senior Assistant Librarian Gr. II
Health-Care Sciences Library
Faculty of Health- Care Sciences
Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Email: /
Mrs. Lavanya Jegatheesparan, Senior Assistant Librarian (GR.II) is attached to Health-Care Sciences Library, Faculty of Health- Care Sciences, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. She joined at Health- care Sciences Library as an Assistant Librarian in December, 2016 and was promoted to the Senior Assistant Librarian (GR.II) in December, 2021. She was graduated from Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka with First class honors in 2013. In addition, she has completed M.Sc in Organizational Management, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka in 2017. She has successfully completed Masters in Library and Information Science, at National Institute of Library and Information Sciences, University of Colombo in 2021. She has published several research articles in referred Journals and presented research findings at Research conferences. She won several awards for the Best Performance at the First Year Examination in the B.Sc. Agriculture Degree Programme-(2008/2009), Overall Best Performance in the B.Sc. Agriculture Degree Programme -(2007/2008) and Best Student Presentation Award at NILIS Research Symposium in 2020. Her research interests are in the areas of Information seeking behaviiour, Information Literacy, Library management and public libraries.
Links to Publications
a.Publication in Referred Journals
- Lavanya,J., and Samaradiwakara, G.D.M.N. (2022). A Study on Public Library Employee Resilience at Workplace with Special Reference to the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-Journal), 1–22.
- Lavanya, J., & Samaradiwakara, G. D. M. N. (2021). Human resource capacity of the public library employees with special reference to the Eastern Province, Sri Lanka. Library Philosophy and Practice, 1–20.
- Lavanya, J. and Santharooban, S., (2021). Information disclosure and attitude towards privacy on Facebook among undergraduates: A survey at the Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Journal of the University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka, 24(1), pp.39–56. DOI:
- Lavanya, J. and Santharooban, S., (2020). Awareness on privacy settings in Social Networking Sites among the undergraduates in Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Journal of the University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka, 23(2), pp.137–156. DOI:
- Lavanya,J., & Santharooban,S. (2018). Usage of Online Resources by the Undergraduates Attached to the Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Journal of the University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka, 21(2), 89-105 .doi:
- Harris, K.D., & Lavanya, L. (2016). Influence of Foliar Application of Boron, Copper and their Combinations on the quality of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.).Res. J. Agriculture & Forestry Sci., 4(7), 1-5.
- Lavanya, L., & Seran, T.H. (2014). Effect of 6-benzyl-aminopurine and thidiazuron on in vitro shoot organogenesis of Aloe vera (L.) Burm. f. Chilean journal of agricultural research, 74(4), 497-501
- Seran, T. H., Kamshananthi, T., & Lavanya, L. (2014). Crop performance of Groundnut (Archis hypogaea l.) plants developed from different seed lots with an emphasis on organic fertilizer regimes. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology, 4(3), 133-137.
b.Presentations in Conference
- Lavanya, J. (2022). Educational qualifications, training needs and challenges faced in HRM by the public library employees in Ampara district, Sri Lanka. In The 13th International Conference of University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka (ICULA2022) (116- 124). Colombo:University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka.
- Lavanya, J., & Samaradiwakara, G. D. M. N. (2021). Present status of human resource capacity of public libraries in Batticaloa district. NILIS Research Symposium 2020.
- Lavanya, J. (2019). Assessing Computer Literacy of First Year Undergraduates: A Preliminary survey at Eastern University of Sri Lanka. In The 10th International Conference of University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka (ICULA-2019) (pp. 64-71). Colombo: University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka
- Santharooban,S.,& Lavanya, J. (2018). A comparative Analysis of Reference Managers: EndNote and Mendeley.In The 9th International Conference of University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka (ICULA-2018) (pp. 96-107). Colombo: University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka
- Iqbal,S., Seran,T.H.,Malathy,P., & Lavanya,L. (2014).Crop performance of Amaranthus produced by a reaping and regrowth system. In JUICE, University of Jaffna Sri Lanka. (pp. 30-33).Sri Lanka: University of Jaffna
- Thivahary, G., & Lavanya, L. (2014). Factors influencing the practice of Natural Farming System in Vaharai Divisional Secretariat division of Batticaloa district. In 3rd International Conference of Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka: Eastern University
- Lavanya, L., & Seran, T.H. (2013).Microshoot formation from shoot tip of Aloe vera (L.) under in vitro conditions.In 2nd International Symposium on Minor fruits and Medicinal plants, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka (pp. 104-108).Sri Lanka: University of Ruhuna
- Lavanya, L., Geretharan, T., &Harris, K. D. (2013). Effect of organic manure and inorganic fertilizer on growth and yield of carrot (Daucus carrota L.).In 2nd Annual Science Research Sessions, South Eastern University, Sri Lanka (pp.3).Sri Lanka: South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
Research Interest
- User studies
- Information Seeking Behaviour
- Public Libraries
- Visiting Lecturer for the course of Higher Diploma in Library and Information Management at National Institute of Library & Information Sciences, University of Colombo since October 2022.
- Temporary Assistant Lecturer at Department of Crop Science, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from November 2013 to November 2014
- Batticaloa Lions Award-2009 for the Best Performance at the First Year Examination in the B.Sc. Agriculture Degree Programme-2008/2009. Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- Kannappar Namasivayam Memorial Award- 2014 for the Overall Best Performance in the B.Sc. Agriculture Degree Programme (2007/2008). Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- Best Student Presentation Award At NILIS Research Symposium 2020, held on 23rd of January, 2021.
Positions Held
- Coordinator for the Library Quality Assurance Cell from 1 st of November, 2021 to date
- Marketing committee member of 1 st Annual Research Session of FHCS
- Non Corporate member of Sri Lanka Library Association
- Advertising committee member of Annual Research Session 2017, organized by Faculty of Health- Care Sciences, EUSL
- Steering committee member of International Symposium of Library (LibSym-2018), organized by Library Network, EUSL
- Committee member of Annual Academic Session- 2019, Faculty of Health- Care Sciences, EUSL
- Library Committee member of Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- Member of University Librarians Association, Sri Lanka
- Coordinator for the Library Quality Assurance Cell from 01st of November, 2021
- Ex-co member of University Librarians Association, Sri Lanka 2019/2020