Dr Angela Arulpragasam Anthony

Dr Angela Arulpragasam Anthony
MBBS. MD (Paediatrics)
Senior Lecturer Gr.I in Paediatrics
Department of Clinical Sciences
Faculty of Health-Care Sciences
Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Telephone:065 222 9125
Email: angelaa@esn.ac.lk
Dr Angela Anthony is a board-certified paediatrician and a senior lecturer in paediatrics. She obtained her MBBS degree from the University of Jaffna and a postgraduate doctorate in paediatrics from the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo. She served in the Ministry of Health for several years before joining the University. She is the first paediatrician to join the Faculty of Health-care Sciences.
Apart from teaching paediatrics and child health to medical and nursing students, she is actively involved in capacity-building exercises for the staff and students of the EUSL and the Teaching Hospital Batticaloa, such as the staff induction programme and workshops on anti-ragging, gender equity, professionalism, self-development, and paediatric and neonatal life support.
She served as the fourth dean of the Faculty of Healthcare Sciences for two terms from 2016 to 2022. During her tenure, the FHCS Building Complex project was started and, in part, completed. She also served as the head of the Pathophysiology and Clinical Sciences departments. Currently, she holds the positions of Academic Coordinator/Paediatrics and Clinical Coordinator.
At the Teaching Hospital Batticaloa, while being in charge of the University Paediatric Unit, she is also a member of the Hospital Management Committee and supports the hospital administration in many ways. She is actively involved in the Mother/Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative, Community Based Rehabilitation and several other activities led by the RDHS.
Links to Publications
Indexed Journal Articles
- Delan Devakumar, PhD, Laura Busert, MSc, Manoji Gitanjali Sathiadas, MD, Pushpika Jayawardana, MD, Angela Arulpragasam, MD, Clive Osmond, PhD, Caroline H. D. Fall, DM6, Jonathan C. K. Wells, PhD, and V. Pujitha Wickramasinghe, PhD, The Long-Term Consequences of Early Life Exposure to Tsunami and Conflict on Adolescents in Sri Lanka Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 1–9 © 2023 APJPH
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
- Jayasinghe JASI, Lokubalasuriya SP, Madhuwanthi SDS, Sadhana AFGS, Arulpragasam AN. The impact of menopausal symptoms on female healthcare workers. Batticaloa Medical Journal, Volume 18; Issue 1, 2024
- Shaffni FF, Dharmasena WYKS, Wijesundara WLGN, Perera GAYL, Arulpragasam AN Knowledge and attitude on leprosy among healthcare workers. Batticaloa Medical Journal, Volume 17; Issue 2, 2023
- Sivanjali M, Arulpragasam AN. Why include case-based discussions in the medical curriculum? A review. South-East Asian Journal of Medical Education Volume:17 Issue:2. Pages 10 – 13 https://doi.org/10.4038/seajme.v17i2.555
- Kishokanth G, Indra Kumar J, Arulpragasam AN, Ilankoon IMPS; The Prevalence and related factors of pre-diabetes and diabetes among overweight and obese children in Urban Schools National Journal of Community Medicine 2022;13(1):27-31 pISSN 097 3325, Open Access Article. (CC BY-SA) www.njcmindia.org; DOI 10.5455/njcm.20211223111349
- Karunathilake, I.M. 1 , Dissanayake, V.H.W.1 , Yasawardena, S.2 , Abegunawardena. A , Raviraj, S. , Wijesinghe. P.S. , Anthony, A.A. , Wijesinghe, R.A.N.K. , Bowatte, S. , Wickramaratne, N. , Pathirana, K.D. , Pilapitiya, S. , Edirisinghe, S. , Hettiarachchi, D., Kohombange, C. & Olipeliyawa, A. The New Normal of Medical Education - Challenges and Opportunities South-East Asian Journal of Medical Education Vol. 14, no. 1, 2020
- Karthikesu Karthijekan, Angela Arulpragasam. Nutritional Status and Dietary Practices among University Students in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications 10(10):359-365. DOI: 10.29322/IJSRP.10.10.2020.p10648 October 2020
- Abiramy P, Sihnas F, Hettigedara P, Galappaththi R, Arulpragasam AN, Josepha J, Awareness on Cervical Cancer Screening Among Women in Selected Public Health Midwife Areas in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka International Journal of Healthcare Sciences (Vol 7, issue 2 pp(370-378))
- Kisokanth G, Indrakumar J , Arulpragasam AN and Ilankoon IMPS Glycosylated Haemoglobin Levels among Overweight and Obese Children in Urban Schools © 2021 Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research 2021;11:1274-1280.
- Karthikesu Karthijekan, Ranil Jayawardana, Arulpragasam A.N. Body weight perception and weight management practices among a group of Sri Lankan University students. Ceylon Journal of Medical Sciences CJMS 2018: 55(2): 36- 43
- Kisokanth G, Indrakumar J, Arulpragasam A.N. Glycosylated haemoglobin level among urban overweight and obese children. Sri Lanka Journal of Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism Volume 09, No.02 August 2019
- AN Arulpragasam, G Kisokanth, RANS Randeny, AD Fernando Socio-demographic pattern, health problems and social behaviors of adolescents attending Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka, Sri Lankan Family Physician,2019, 35, 26-32
- Thadchanamoorthy V, Vijayakanth V, Arulpragasam A.N. Extensive nappy rash and persistent thrombocytopenia: A case of Symptomatic Congenital Cytomegalovirus infection: case report. Journal of the Batticaloa Medical Association, Volume 10, Issue 01, May 2019 ISSN 1800-4903
- Sanooz Raheem, Arulpragasam A.N. Minimizing prescribing errors within the inpatient setting – A systematic review. Journal of the Batticaloa Medical Association, Volume 10, Issue 01, May 2019 ISSN 1800-4903
- Angela Arulpragasam, Manoj Kumar, Vishnu Sivapatham. An atypical presentation of Kawasaki disease with thrombocytosis at the onset of the illness, Jaffna Medical Journal volume 28 (2) October 2016, 10.4038/jmj.v28i2.54
- Arulpragasam AN, Dissanayake CK, Kulatilake TR. Management of Procedural Pain in Children. Batticaloa Medical Journal, Volume 5, 2009 July
Presentations at International / National / Regional Conferences /Symposia
- Illangasinghe S.P.M.S, Genoosha N., Pushpakumari M.N.N., Arulpragasam A.N. A descriptive study on perceived psychological stress among middle adolescents in Batticaloa Educational Zone 1st International Research Conference, Trincomalee Campus, EUSL (TRInCo) September 2016
- Sivanjali M, Arulpragasam AN, Marasinghe RB Teaching and Learning Methods and their Impact on Clinical Learning International Conference on Medical Sciences 2024, University of Sri Jayawardenapura, Colombo
- Rathnayake RMCH, Sathish S, Muraleeswaran R, Arulpragasam AN. Assessing the needs for Community Based Rehabilitation: a geographical analysis of disability distribution among children in Batticaloa district. Annual Scientific Sessions, Batticaloa Medical Association, 2024.
- Vijithra Y, Vakshala K, Thayani I, Faos SL, Arulpragasam AN. A retrospective study on children diagnosed with autoimmune encephalitis at Teaching Hospital Batticaloa. Annual Scientific Sessions, Batticaloa Medical Association, 2024.
- Mathan R, Sharmatha K, Fernando CST, Arulpragasam AN. Outcome of babies admitted with Idiopathic Respiratory Distress Syndrome to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Special Care Baby Unit, Teaching Hospital Batticaloa. Annual Scientific Sessions, Batticaloa Medical Association, 2024.
- Sivanjali M, Arulpragasam AN, Case-based discussions as a useful tool in clinical teaching – a review International Conference on Multidisciplinary (ICMR) 2024, Eastern University Sri Lanks, Tamilnadu Teachers University and ESN Publications India ISBN 978 624 5731 40 4
- Genoosha Namasivayam, Angela Arulpragasam, Gadambanathan T, Karthijekan Karthikesu State of Mental Health of the Children in Child Welfare Centers in Batticaloa District Conference: First International Research Conference on Healthy Delights ICHD 2022, University of Jaffna, Jaffna, Sri Lanka September 2022
- Jayasinghe JASI, Lokubalasuriya SP, Madhuwanthi SDSH, Sadhana AFG, Arulpragasam AN A study on menopause among female health care workers over 40 years in teaching hospital Batticaloa.Third Annual Student Research Session, Faculty of Health-care Sciences, 20th December 2021
- Reema MJF, Rushtha MSF, Nurshitha MPF, Shreen, Sathaananthan T, Arulpragasam AN, Milk feeding patterns among mothers with children less than two years in Sinna Urani, Batticaloa Third Annual Student Research Session, Faculty of Health-care Sciences, 20th December 2021
- Ahamed AC, Kahandawala K A, Arundhathi R, Kaushalya LC, Arulpragasam AN Knowledge, attitude and practice on complementary feeding in mothers with children under 2 years – a study in selected PHM areas in Batticaloa. Second Annual Students Research Session Faculty of Health-Care Sciences, Eastern University, Sri Lanka “Enhancing Healthcare Through Innovative Research” 10/12/2020
- Shimra ALF, Shumaila MASF, Mahira ALF, Arulanandem K, Arulpragasam AN. Factors affecting mothers’ knowledge regarding childhood vaccination in the Kattankudy MOH area. Second Annual Students Research Session Faculty of Health-Care Sciences, Eastern University, Sri Lanka “Enhancing Healthcare Through Innovative Research” 10/12/2020
- Devakumar D , Sathiyadas M.G , Jayawardana P , Arulpragasam A , Busert L , Osmond C , Fall CHD , Wells JCK , Wickramasinghe PV, In-Utero Exposure to Tsunami and Conflict and Adolescent Health in Sri Lanka 133rd Anniversary International Medical Congress, Sri Lanka Medical Association, 24th – 26th July 2020
- Chandresegaram A, Fernando BIDH, Sithumini LUS, Rathnayake RMUD, Arulpragasam A.N., Knowledge attitude and practice regarding rabies among the community in Santhively Grama Niladari Division Annual Academic Session 2019, Faculty of Healthcare Sciences, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, August 2019
- Anita J.D., Herath H.M.P.P., Ramzi RM, Arulpragasam A.N. Myopia among advanced level students in Batticaloa Educational Zone Annual Academic Session 2019, Faculty of Healthcare Sciences, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, August 2019
- Karthikesu Karthijekan, Ranil Jayawardena, Angela Arulpragasam, Arulnithy Kanagasingam Body weight perception and Weight loss practices among a group of Sri Lankan University students Conference: Annual Scientific Sessions – 2018, The Nutrition Society of Sri Lanka, January 2018, At: Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Karthikesu Karthijekan, Angela Arulpragasam, Sankarapillai Sujendran, Arulnithy Kanagasingam Nutritional Status and Body Weight Satisfaction among a Group of Sri Lankan University Students Conference: Nursing Congress-2018 At Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Peradeniya, April 1018
- Punithalingam Youhasan, Thillainathan Sathaananthan, KE Karunakaran, Angela Arulpragasam. Feasibility of Introducing a Bachelor of Publich Health Programme in Sri Lanka. The Colombo Conference on Medical Education, Colombo Sri Lanka, November 2017
- Genoosha Namasivayam, Samanthi Illangasinghe, Angela Arulpragasam Perceived Psychological Stress in the Middle Adolescents in Batticaloa District Conference: Trincomalee International Conference (TRInCo-2016)
- Arulpragasam A.N., Thayaparan M. How sensitized are the health-care professionals in gender based issues? An overview from the East of Sri Lanka International Conference on Preventing Sexual and Gender Based Violence in the Universities,2015, Collaboration of EUSL with the Association of Commonwealth Universities ACU 2015
- Arulpragasam A.N., Kisokanth Health-care needs of the adolescent patient (in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine, Kelaniya, Ragama) Abstract & Oral presentation Annual Scientific Sessions, Batticaloa Medical Association, 2016
- Happuarachi H.D.J.S., Arulpragasam A.N., Sivakanthan K., The association of consanguinity with congenital heart diseases and congenital haemolytic anaemias in Eastern Sri Lanka Abstract & Oral presentation, Proceedings of the PGIM Academic Sessions 2013
- Devakanthan B, Sasikesavan N, Arulpragasam A.N. The Association of Apgar score less than 7 at 5 minutes with increased risk of neurological disability and deaths at six months Abstract & Oral presentation, Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Session of the Batticaloa Medical Association 2013
- Gishanthan S, Pragassan G, Arulpragasam A.N. Morbidity and mortality patterns in the Special Care Baby unit of Teaching Hospital Batticaloa. Abstract & Oral presentation, Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Session of the Batticaloa Medical Association 2012
- Tissera W.S.D.S., Arulpragasam A.N. Requirement of intra venous fluids in the management of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever. Abstract & Oral presentation, Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Session of the Batticaloa Medical Association 2012
- Tissera W.S.D.S., Arulpragasam A.N. Requirement of intra venous fluids in the management of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever. Abstract & Oral presentation, Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Session of the Batticaloa Medical Association 2012
- Arulpragasam A.N., Dissanayake C.G. Undernutrition and associated factors in children - a hospital-based study Abstract and oral presentation, 33rd Annual Academic Sessions, Kandy Society of Medicine February 2011
Articles in Magazine and Newsletter
- Overcoming Moral Challenges in the Medical Profession – Editorial, Batticaloa Medical Journal, Volume 18 Issue 1
- The Right to Learn and Work with Dignity is a Fundamental Human Right – Editorial, Batticaloa Medical Journal, Volume 18, Issue 2
Books / Book Chapters
- Concise Textbook of Paediatric Emergencies,Chapter 23. Disaster Preparedness in Paediatric Mass Casualty (Samudra Printers) 1st Edition
- WHO/UNICEF BFHI - part 3 Breastfeeding Promotion and Support in a Baby Friendly Hospital - a 20-hour course for maternity staff (WHO/UNICEF BFHI Translated to Tamil, at the request of the Family Health Bureau
பகுதி 3: குழந்தை நேய வைத்தியசாலை ஒன்றில் தாய்ப்பாலூட்டலை முன்னேற்றுதலும் ஆதரித்தலும் - மகப்பெற்று ஊழியருக்கான ஓர் 20 மணிநேரப் பயிற்சி நெறி)
Research Interest
- Paediatrics & Child health, Mental wellbeing in adolescence, Medical Education
Undergraduate – MBBS and B. Sc (Nursing)
- Phase III Paediatrics, clinical and theory, BSc Hons (Nursing) Child Health Nursing Modules I & II. A resource person for various Pathophysiology (Phase II) & Human Biology Modules (Phase I)
- Postgraduate trainer for MD (Paediatrics)
- Supervisor for MPhil (2024/2025),
- Supervisor for MSc in Applied Microbiology (2015/2016)
Visiting Lecturer / Resource person for workshops
- Staff Development Centre – Resource person for Academic Staff Induction Programme (CTriP). Modules in Teaching /Learning & Assessment Methods
- Excellence in Teaching Award – Best Student Research Supervisor (2022)
Positions Held
At the University
- Dean of Faculty of Health-care Sciences – 2 terms (2016 – 2022)
- Head Department of Pathophysiology – 2012 – 2014
- Head, Department of Clinical Sciences – 2014 – 2016
- Student Counsellor – 2014, 2015, 2023
- Clinical Coordinator – 2013 – 2016, 2024 – date
- Academic Coordinator/Paediatrics – 2022/2023, 2023/2024, 2024/2025
- President – Eahai Welfare Association of FHCS (2024 – date)
Professional Membership
- Life member – Batticaloa Medical Association
- Life member – Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians
- Council member, Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians (2024/2025)
Professional Experience
- Honorary Consultant Paediatrician, Teaching Hospital Batticaloa (20/06/2012 to date)
- Consultant Paediatrician, Teaching Hospital Batticaloa (Ministry of Health) (28/02/2008 – 19/06/2012)
- Acting Paediatrician, TH Batticaloa
- Senior Registrar in Paediatrics, Teaching Hospital Colombo North, Ragama
- Registrar in Paediatrics, Department of Health, Tasmania, Australia (Royal Hobart Hospital & Launceston General Hospital, Tasmania, Australia)
- Registrar in Paediatrics, Lady Ridgeway Hospital, Colombo, Sri Lanka & Colombo South Teaching Hospital, Kalubowila
- Medical Officer OPD, TH Batticaloa
- Intern Medical Officer, National Hospital Colombo & Lady Ridgeway Hospital Colombo