Prof Kavuriel Eliyas Karunakaran

Prof Kavuriel Eliyas Karunakaran
MBBS (Cey.) MS (O & G) (Col.), FSLCOG
Professor in Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Department of Clinical Sciences
Faculty of Health-Care Sciences
Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Telephone, WhatsApp: 077 7585 941
Email: /
Born in Batticaloa on 11th February 1960. Obtained MBBS degree at University of Jaffna in 1984. Functioned as Medical practitioner at the Ministry of Health since 1986. Obtained ‘Master of Surgery’ in Obstetrics & Gynaecology at the Post Graduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo in 1992. Obtained overseas training at Westmead Hospital, Australia. Became Board Certified Specialist in 1994. Functioning as Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist since 1995. My first station in this position was Base Hospital, Trincomalee. I was transferred to Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa in the year 2000.
Upon 21 years completion of service in the Ministry of Health, I joined the newly established Faculty of Health – Care Sciences of Eastern University, Sri Lanka in2006. I became the first elected Dean of the Faculty in July 2006 and continued to serve for over six years. My Deanship was challenged with the infrastructure and human resource development of the newly formed faculty of Health-Care Sciences which embraced modern form of twenty first century medical education. The curriculum was unique with modern Teaching-learning pedagogies which make the faculty unique in Sri Lanka. The first ever Medical Exhibition of EUSL was conducted in the year 2012 by the Faculty under my Deanship and chairmanship. It was named ‘MedsCope 12’ conducted for seven days with grand success with wide coverage.
Links to Publications
- Google Scholar - ResearchGate - Orcid ID: 00 00000172005239
- Karunakaran KE, Uthayakumar E, Arumainathan N; An analysis on the causes of infertility in women presented at General Hospital, Batticaloa; Batticaloa Medical Journal. Volume 2 July 2006, pp32-34
- Sathaananthan T, Karunakaran KE. Adult Learning Theory. Batticaloa Medical Journal Vol.5 July 2009.P 33 – 35
- Sathaananthan T, Karunakaran KE. 2007. Student Assessment. Batticaloa Medical Journal Vol.3
- Karunakaran KE; Health Care Education in Batticaloa; Ten Years on. Batticaloa Medical Journal 2016;7: 3 – 6
- Fasry AA, Dissanayake DM, Wanasinghe DC, Jenitha J, Damayanthi RP, Karunakaran KE* Awareness of Cervical Cancer and Its Prevention: A Survey at Eastern University, Sri Lanka. J Health Care and Research 2020 May 12;1(2):55-64
- DOI:
- Azeez FMA, Naajeda MJ, Luthah MFF, Jiyatha ASF, Sivanjali M, Karunakaran KE*. Knowledge on cervical cancer prevention and HPV vaccination among female students in tertiary education centers in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. Journal of Ruhunu Clinical Society 2020. P 41-45 DOI:
- Karunakaran KE. Carcinoma of Vagina in Women with Utero Vaginal Prolapse: Presentation of Two Cases and the Review of Literature. Womens Health Sci J 2018, 2(3): 000119. DOI: 10.23880/whsj-16000119
- Thirukumar M, Karunakaran KE, Sureshini R. Removal of impalpable contraceptive implants. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2019; 41: 49-54 DOI:
- Thirukumar M*, Karunakaran KE. Anaphylaxis in Pregnancy. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2020, 10, 698-707
- Karunakaran KE*, Mangalanathan V. Myomectomy in Pregnancy- An inevitable option. Batticaloa Medical Journal. Vol. 5. July 2009. P36-37
- Karunakaran KE*. Perception of Nursing and Midwifery staff on continuous foetal heart monitoring during labour at Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka: A mind mapping --analysis. Batticaloa Medical Journal. Vol. 11(2). September 2009. P6-8
- Karthijekan, K. and Karunakaran, KE. 2017. Knowledge on Breast Cancer and Practices on Breast Self-Examination among Female Students in Faculty of Health-Care Sciences, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 4(1), pp.17–25. DOI:
- Karunakaran KE. Vaginal birth after caesarean section: Its success and failure. Journal of Batticaloa Medical Association. Vol.5, July 2005. P-63 – 67
- Karunakaran KE*, Premanath V, Uthayakumar E, Goonathilake KTBP, Kulendran P, Vinothini T. Outcome of Pregnancy with Previous Caesarean Sections at T H Batticaloa. Journal of Batticaloa Medical Association. Vol.5, July 2005. P-44 - 48
- Pragasan G, Arulanandem K, Gishanthan S, Sivakaran S, Karunakaran KE. Influence of maternal and foetal factors on low birth weight at Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa. Batticaloa Medical Journal. Vol.6. August 2014. P 29-31
- Susil N, Uthayakumar E, Karunakaran KE. An audit on the Histopathology Reports of the Major Surgery performed at Obstetrics & Gynaecology Unit (ward 3) of Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa. Batticaloa Medical Journal. Vol. 3 July 2007 P 32- 34
- Sathaananthan T, Karunakaran KE. Preference of Oral Examination (Viva Voce) as an assessment tool in the clinical teaching and learning in Medical Schools in Sri Lanka. Batticaloa Medical Journal. Vol. 3 July 2007 P 35- 36
- Mayureshan K, Sathaananthan T, Youhasan P, Karunakaran KE. Medical Graduates’ Perception on Curriculum Implementation at eastern University, Sri Lanka. SAS J. Med., 2017; 3(10):280-283 DOI:10.21276/sasjm.2017.3.10.8
- Sujendran S, Lokeesan V, Youhasan P, Sathaananthan T, Karunakaran KE Nutritional Status of Primary School Children in Eastern Sri Lanka. International Journal of Healthcare Sciences ISSN 2348-5728 (Online) Vol. 8, Issue 2, pp: (120-125), 2020 Available at: Page | 120 Research Publish Journals
- Karunakaran KE, Marsook M.F.M, Rifky A.L.M. Factors Contribute to Misbehaviors of Students in State Universities of Sri Lanka - A Case Study of Eastern University, Sri Lanka. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 11, Issue 2, February 2021 462 ISSN 2250-3153
- Karunakaran KE. Levetiracetam as Treatment for a Woman with Epilepsy in Pregnancy: A Case Report and Discussion. Neurol Disord Stroke Int. 2021; Vol.3 Issue 1: 1022.
- Karunakaran KE. Carcinoma of Vagina in women with Utero Vaginal Prolapse: A Review After Eight Years of Diagnosis. Acta Scientific Women’s’ Health Journal; Vol. 4, Issue 1. Jan. 2022.
- Susanjalee JADP, Samyuktha A, Gamage PGCPS, Sujendre S, Karunakaran KE. Awareness and Practices on Preventing Chronic Kidney Disease among Diabetes Mellitus Patients at Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka”, published in International journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 13, Issue 1, January 2023
- Karunakaran KE, Premananth V, Goonatilake KTBP. Oxytocin augmentation significantly improves the rate of vaginal delivery in women with previous Caesarean section scar. Paper presented at the 38 th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists. SLJOG Vol.27, Suppl. 1. 2005 P 56-57.ISSN: 1391-7536
- Karunakaran, KE. Surgical correction - the treatment of choice for utero vaginal prolapse. 41st Annual Scientific Sessions 2008: Sri Lanka College of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists: SLJOG: Vol. 30 (Sup.1). 2008; 1(1): 67
- Sarjoon MACM, Karunakaran KE, Wijewardena TG, 2010. Antibacterial activity of Kaludura (Nigella sativa) oil against staphylococci organism isolated from veterinary clinical specimen. International Symposium on Natural products. U. Peradeniya p 11
- Karunakaran KE. Integration as a key for successful implementation of HealthCare curriculum: A Sri Lankan Experience. The Proceedings of the FIGO-SAFOG-SLCOG 2014 Conference Colombo. P 204-205
- Karunakaran KE. Are the Children affected by sexual violence as ease in the hospital providing care? An initial analysis on selected demography. Abstracts of the International Conference- Sexual and Gender Based Violence organized by Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), Eastern University, Sri Lanka (EUSL). July 2015. P 29.
- Sathaananthan T, Karunakaran KE, Arulpragasam AN, Youhasan P. Feasibility of introducing a Bachelor of Public Health programme in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Colombo Conference on Medical Education. November 2017. P 26
- Karunakaran KE. Fibroids and Pregnancy; Is surgical management a feasible option? Theme seminar presentation at the 51 st Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists. SLJOG Vol. 40, Suppl.1. 2018 P-7
- Karunakaran KE. Usefulness of a learning portfolio; our experience at Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Colombo Conference on Medical Education.November 2019. P 76
- Gunasekara ME, Thiruvavinan E, Zakiya MSF, Pabodha KMB, Karunakaran KE.Factors Influencing the Delayed Presentation of Symptomatic Breast Cancer at Oncology Unit, Teaching Hospital Batticaloa. Annual Academic Session – 2019 Faculty of Health-Care Sciences, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Abstract Book. ISBN:978-955-1443-99-3. P 15
- Shiamgowtham R, Sandaruwan KYGN, Nadeera JSR, Priyadarshini GN, Karunakaran KE. Why Male Female ratio is Unbalanced Among Medical Students? Annual Academic Session – 2019 Faculty of Health-Care Sciences, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Abstract Book.ISBN: 978-955-1443-99-3. P 15
- Sathaananthan T, Karunakaran KE. Justice delayed is Justice denied in sexual and gender based violence (SGBV), International conference –sexual and Gender based violence (ICSSGBV 2015) in Vantharumoolai Sri Lanka
- Karunakaran KE. Germ cell Tumours of Ovary; paper presented at the Annual Scientific sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists. 1991
- Sathaananthan T, Karunakaran KE. Choice of assessment type for clinical teaching.Paper presented at the Eighth Annual Research Session (ARS),EUSL. 2009
- Sarjoon M, Karunakaran KE, Sathaananthan T, In-vitro study of Karuncheerakam oil against Gram positive cocci bacteria, Paper presented at the International Symposium South Eastern university of Sri Lanka. 2011
- Kartheepan K, Roshini M, Karunakaran KE, Ravichandran M, An analysis of the criteria used to diagnose tuberculosis patients in Batticaloa district. Paper presented at the Annual Scientific Session 2013, Batticaloa Medical Association
- Kisokanth G, Najeem MM, Karunakaran KE. The influence of common risk factors for the patient with attempted suicide hospitalized at the teaching hospital,Batticaloa. Proceedings, 04th International Symposium, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
- Kartheepan K,Murugupillai R, Karunakaran K.E, Ravichandran M. Critical Analysis on Tuberculosis Mortality during 2005-2011in Batticaloa District. 5 th International Symposium- IntSym 2015 South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
The table contains the Presentations made at Peer Reviewed Scientific Conferences
Date |
Event |
Title of Presentation |
9.7.2006 |
Annual Scientific Sessions of Batticaloa Medical Association |
Incidence of anaemia in pregnancy among mothers admitted to Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa |
7.7.2007 |
Annual Scientific Sessions of Batticaloa Medical Association |
Mitral Valve Heart disease and Pregnancy |
22 -25 November 2007 |
39th Conference of the Asia-Pacific Consortium of Public Health, Kagawa Nutrition University, Japan |
Improving Health care in Eastern Sri Lanka |
Annual Scientific Sessions of Eastern University, Sri Lanka |
Choice of Assessment type for Clinical Teaching |
24.9.2010 |
Annual Scientific Sessions of Batticaloa Medical Association |
Fibroids in infertility care |
15.10.2011 |
Annual Scientific Sessions of Batticaloa Medical Association |
HRT for non Gynaecologists |
12.08.2013 |
Annual Scientific Sessions of Batticaloa Medical Association |
Medical Management of PPH |
12.08.2013 |
Annual Scientific Sessions of Batticaloa Medical Association |
Pelvic Inflammatory disease; the treatment |
07.08.2015 |
Annual Scientific Sessions of Batticaloa Medical Association |
How Antenatal care help us to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality |
16 – 17 August 2018 |
3rd International Research Conference, Trincomalee campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka |
Choice of Foetal Heartbeat monitoring by the staff working at TH Batticaloa |
09.01.2019 |
2nd International Symposium on Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka |
Perception of climate change & its effect on Human Health: A Preliminary study among the staff at Eastern University, Sri Lanka |
Research Interest
- Germ cell tumours of the ovary
- Vaginal Delivery after caesarean section,
- Minimally invasive surgery
- Peace through Health promotions
- Enhancing the possession of clinical skills
- Medical (HealthCare) Education
- Climate issues
Teaching students of FHCS
- BSc Nursing (Internal)
- BSc Nursing (External)
- BSc Nursing (External at OUSL)
- Peace Medicine
Guest Lectures
- ‘Proteinuric Hypertension in Pregnancy’; Guest Lecture for the Batticaloa Medical Association; 1992
- ‘Modern Medical Education in Sri Lanka’. Delivered at the Annual Sessions of the Galoya Nimna Clinical Society, Ampara. October 2010
- ‘Integration as a key for successful implementation of Health Care Education; A Sri Lankan Experience’ delivered at the International Conference in Obstetrics & Gynaecology organized by the FIGO, SAFOG, SLCOG. Colombo; November 2014
- Saamasiri Deshyamanya awarded by the United Organization of all communities, Sri Lanka
- Fellow, Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists
Positions Held
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Eastern University from May 2016 to May 2019
- Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Eastern University from April 2022 to date
- Member of the Interim Faculty Board, FHCS from 2004-2006
- Acting Dean, Faculty of Health- Care Sciences from 1st June 2006 to 30th June 2006
- Dean, FHCS (1st Dean) -from 2nd July 2006 to 30th April 2013
- Member of the Council EUSL - from 2006 to April 2013
- Member of the Council EUSL as Senate Representative- from January 2014 to December 2015 and from February 2016 to April 2019
- Member of Council as DVC from April 2022 to date
- Member of the Senate EUSL - from 2006 to date
- Senate Representative to Swami Vipulananda Institute of Aesthetic Studies (SVIAS),EUSL from January 2014 till December 2015
- Member of the Management Committee, Center for External Degrees and Extension Courses, EUSL - from September 2015 to date
- Deputy Proctor, FHCS, EUSL- from 2015 to April 2016
- Chairman for the Preliminary inquiry committee on Students discipline EUSL
- Member of the UGC committee on the preparation of Benchmark for BSc Nursing – from 2015
- Representative of the FHCS, EUSL for the Board of Management, PGIM from 2006 till March 2016
- Representative of the FHCS, EUSL for the Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC), from 2007 till April 2013
- Center Coordinator for the conduct of ERPM Examination for the SLMC (Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa is a center for the examination) - from March 2015 to August 2016
- Member of the Convocation Committee, EUSL in 2013- 2017
- Head, Dept. Clinical Sciences - from May 2006 to 1st of July 2006
- Head, Dept. Clinical Sciences - from 1st September 2012 to 31st December 2015
- Chairman, Curriculum Development and Evaluation Committee, FHCS - from 2006 to 2011
- Chairman, Ethics Review Committee, FHCS - from2007 to June 2016
- Chairman, Organizing Committee for the first Medical Exhibition by FHCS ‘ Medscope 2012’
- Member of the Faculty External Degree Committee - from 2011 to 2015.
- Chairman, Board of Study of the External Degree, FHCS since September 2015
- Senior Treasurer, Students’ Union, FHCS -from 2007 to 2011
- Senior Treasurer, Medics Association FHCS -from 2007 to 2010
Other Activities and Positions:
- Examiner for the Final MBBS degree program of University of Jaffna since 1997and University of Kelaniya and University of Peradeniya from 2016
- Secretary, Teachers’ Association, Eastern University (TAEU) EUSL in 2014/15
- President, Teachers’ Association, Eastern University in 2015/16
- Ex co member TAEU at present.
- Former Chairman, Prisoners’ Welfare Association, Batticaloa Regional committee
- Chairman, Board of Management, Butterfly Peace Garden, Batticaloa
- Secretary, Sri Lanka Cancer Society, Batticaloa Branch 2017 -2021
- President, Sri Lanka cancer Society, Batticaloa Branch 2022 to date
- Former member, Hospital Development Committee, Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa
- Member, Civil society, Batticaloa
- Past President and currently active member, Rotary Club, Batticaloa,
- Charter Secretary, Rotary Club of Batticaloa City 2022/23
- Chairman, Service Projects, Rotary District 3220, Sri Lanka & Maldives
- Honorary Member, ‘Singing Fish Recreation Club’, Batticaloa
- Member, Catholic National Association for Laity, Sri Lanka.
- Resource person for the ’Safe Motherhood’ program of SLCOG