Champions of Inter-University Neurology Quiz

A quest for success….
-Reflection from the champions of the inter-university Neurology Quiz
One week ago we were crowned as the Champions of Inter University Neurology Quiz conducted by Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists. We were, and still are, ecstatic to say the least. After six,long and hard fought years of medical school came to an end, which consisted of countless sleepless nights, many ups and downs hat teased our limits, and many moments filled with laughs and tears that have been etched into our memories forever. Not long after that, we immediately put our heads down and got to preparing ourselves for the quiz. We were determined to give it all and represent our faculty to the best of our abilities.
Before anything is said or done, our warmest and most heartfelt gratitude and thanks are extended towards our dear mentors, who worked with an air of relentless determination, tirelessly, alongside us in order to sculpt us for this quiz. Zoom training sessions, packed with cleverly tailored MCQs, images and video-based assessments made our daily bread and butter, we geared ourselves for the quiz. So, to our dear Dr Ajini Arasalingam, Consultant Neurologist & Senior Lecturer, University of Jaffna and Dr Mayurathan Pakkiyaretnam, Consultant Physician & Senior Lecturer EUSL, you have ours, and the faculty’s, deepest appreciation and recognition.
Come July 20th, we were nervous and jittery, but the overwhelming love and support that was pouring from our consultants, mentors and dear colleagues, helped keep us steadfast. Firstly, our immense congratulations and wishes to all thirty two of our competitors from the competing medical faculties for their excellent performance and presence. A hats off to the two runners up, University of Jaffna and the University of Colombo, for putting up a grand tug of war till the very end, with it all culminating with a nail-biting tie breaker question.
And so, history was made. Dreams have a definition in most people & books, getting a job or owning property, but in ours, our dreams were realised in that very moment. In that IT room, the projector light reflected back in our eyes, our hearts stopping for a fraction of a beat, a buzzing in our ears as we read the words, in bright red, CHAMPIONS: EASTERN UNIVERSITY OF SRI LANKA. That, for us, was a dream come true.
And no dream can ever come to fruition without the commitment, dedication, support and zealous efforts of our dear consultants,especially, Dr. Ajini and Dr. Mayurathan, once again, thank you dearly.
To our dear Dean Madam, Dr. Angela Arulpragasm, thank you for your words of encouragement and your unitiring efforts in bringing our Alma Mater to he forefront of medical education in our motherland.
We would also wish to extend our sincere thanks to Dr. Roshini Murugupillai, senior lecturer EUSL for her help and aid.
To our fellow colleagues at University of Jaffna, with whom we trained together, our sincerest gratitude for the support and we wish you all well in the future.
Last but not least, to our four member team, words fail us in showing how grateful we are to each other, in getting this far. All we have to say, as cliche as it is, team work makes the dream work.
Aqeel, Abinaya, Lalinshan, Luthah, Thanushkanth & Thayani (the team)
On 20th July 2021 Eastern University, Sri Lanka (EUSL) became the champions of the first ever Neurology Quiz competition held among the faculties of medicine in the island, organized by the Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists (ASN), marking a milestone in the history of the Faculty of Healthcare Sciences, EUSL.