Heads of Departments
Department of Human Biology

Dr Jayanthiny Mahinthan
BSc (Hons in Human Biology/ Biochemistry specialization USJP), MSc (Col), PhD (Col)
Senior Lecturer Gr I in Biochemistry
Email: jayanthinym@esn.ac.lk
Research Interest: Research Projects on Medicinal Plants, Molecular Biology, Endocrinology & Biochemistry
Department of Pathophysiology

MBBS, Postgraduate diploma in Medical Microbiology, MD (Medical Microbiology)
Senior Lecturer Gr. II
Email: vaithehir@esn.ac.lk / rajeevanf@yahoo.com
Research Interests: Hospital acquired infections, antimicrobial resistance, food borne infections and prevention, bacterial genotyping and medical education
Department of Primary Health Care

Dr. K. Kartheepan
B.VSc (Hons), PGD in Applied Statistics, Diploma in Human Rights, RVS
Senior Lecturer (Gr. II) in Community Medicine
E-mail: vetkartheepan@yahoo.com
Research Interest: Dengue, Tuberculosis, Melioidosis
Department of Clinical Sciences

Dr. Jeyapalan Jeyaruban
MBBS, MD (Surgery), MRCS (England)
Department of Supplementary Health Sciences

Ms. A. M. Shashi Shardha Alahakoon
BScHons (Nursing) (University of Peradeniya), Master of Philosophy (University of Peradeniya)
Senior Lecturer in Nursing (Gr-II)
Email: shashia@esn.ac.lk, shashishardhapgck@gmail.com
Research Interest: Nursing Research, Women’s Health
Department of Medical Education and Research

Dr. Roshini Murugupillai
MBBS (Manipal CMS, Nepal), Ph.D (Colombo)