“Healthy Green Environment for Sustainable Future” Tree Plantation Project

Healthy nature is directly impact on human health and wellbeing. To establish a healthy environment for sustainable future, Faculty of Health-Care Sciences (FHCS), Eastern University Sri Lanka (EUSL) launched a tree planting project under the theme of “Healthy Green Environment for Sustainable Future”. The first phase of the project officially started in last year on 30th December 2023 with the collaboration of the Green Layer Environmental Organization. The aim of this project is to promote healthy environment in the faculty premises and also establish the fashion of reforestation in the region that will promote healthier life for Sri Lankans.
The first phase of the event is organised under the guidance of the Dean FHCS. Prof.V.Kanagasingam Vice-Chancellor, EUSL and Mr.K.Mahesan, Secretary, Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs are participated as guests, academic and non-academic staff from EUSL and the founder of Green Layer Environmental Organization Mr P. Sasikumar are graced the event.
The second phase of the project is started on 13th January 2024 with the student’s engagement. The Dean, staff members and student community from FHCS participated in the event. Around 125 trees were planted on the day by the students in the faculty premises.