Mr. S. Santharooban

Mr. S. Santharooban
B.Sc Hons. in Zoology (EUSL), M.Sc in Environmental Science (UoP), MLIS (UoC), M.Sc in Applied Statistics (UoP), ALA (Sri Lanka)
Deputy Librarian
Faculty of Health-Care Sciences
Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Telephone: 065-2227287 (office)
Mr.S.Santharooban is Deputy Librarian, attached to Health-Care Sciences Library of Faculty of Health-Care Sciences since 2007. He has graduated in Eastern University, Sri Lanka with upper second class in Zoology and obtained his Masters in Library and Information Science at University of Colombo. In addition, he has obtained two Masters Degrees in Environmental Science and Applied Statistics at Post Graduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya.
He is a Charted Librarian recognized by Sri Lanka Library Association. Moreover, he is a Professional Statistician by being life member of Institute of Applied Statistics of Sri Lanka. He is also member in Charted Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP), UK. He is also currently serving as visiting lecturer at National Institute of Science, University of Colombo for Post graduate diploma in Library and Information Science and Diploma in School librarianship and Sri Lanka Library Association for Higher Diploma in Library and Information Science. He has authored more than fifty publications including indexed peer reviewed journal articles, international conference papers, Book chapters and Books. He has also served as editorial panel member, reviewer, and editor for many journals, conferences and magazines.
Links to Publications
- Google Scholar: - Research Gate:> - ORCID:
Papers in Indexed journals
- Yasanthini, G.F. and Santharooban, S. (2022). Online Resources Utilization of Visual and Performing Arts Undergraduates. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 7251.
- Santharooban, S., (2022). Research Support Service Model of Academic Library: Case Study at Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 7018.
- Lavanya, J. and Santharooban, S., (2021). Information disclosure and attitude towards privacy on Facebook among undergraduates: A survey at the Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Journal of the University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka, 24(1), pp.39–56. DOI:
- Lavanya, J. and Santharooban, S., (2020). Awareness on privacy settings in Social Networking Sites among the undergraduates in Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Journal of the University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka, 23(2), pp.137–156. DOI:
- Murugathas, K, Sritharan, T & Santharooban, S. (2020). Health information needs and information seeking behavior of pregnant women attending antenatal clinics of Jaffna Teaching Hospital. Journal of the University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka. 23 (1), pp.73–90. DOI:
- Ramanan, T & Santharooban S. (2019). Information Use and Mobile Devices: a study amongst library users of Selected Medical Faculties in Sri Lanka. Journal of the University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka. 22 (1), pp.23–35. DOI:
- Lavanya, J. & Santharooban, S., (2018). Usage of Online Resources by the Undergraduates Attached to the Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Journal of the University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka. 21(2), pp.89–105. DOI:
- Santharooban, S., (2016). Analyzing the level of information literacy skills of medical undergraduate of Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Journal of the University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka. 19(2), pp.27–50. DOI: jula.v19i2.7885
- Santharooban, S and Pemadasa, P.G. (2015). Development of an Information Literacy Model for Problem Based Learning. Annals of Library and Information Studies, 62 (3), pp138-144. URL: 8472/444
- Santharooban, S and Sathaananthan, T. (2013). Effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL) on library usage: a study at Faculty of Health-Care Sciences, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Journal of the University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka: 17 (1). DOI:
Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- P. Mayurathan, G. R. Francis, V. R. Francis, S. I. Majitha,R. Sanjeev, S. Vivekanandan, S. Santharooban, W. M. U. Nishantha, M. M. N. Peries, A. S. M. Safran, S. Shiyananth (2023). Association of vitamin D levels with severity and outcome of COVID-19 infection among inward patients at a tertiary care unit in Sri Lanka. Asian Journal of Internal Medicine. 2(2). DOI: 10.4038/ajim.v2i2.84
- S.Santharooban, S and Abeysundara, S.P. (2022). Machine Learning Approach to Classify Breast Tissues: A Case Study Using Six-classed Breast Tissue Data. Sri Lankan Journal of Applied Statistics. Vol 23, Issue 3, pp133-153. DOI: 10.4038/sljastats.v23i3.8081
- Vamadevan, C., Rajasekaran, V., Arulanandem, K., Kisokanth, G., Sukunan, G., Kartheepan, K., Santharooban, S., Thurairatnam, K., & Paramakurunathan, S. (2016). Delibrate Self-Harm patients admitted to Teaching Hospital, Batticaloa-influencing factors and consequences. Batticaloa Medical Journal, 7, 18-22.
- Santharooban, S. and Ramanan, T., Ravikumar, M.N. (2015). Documentation of cultural heritage and indigenous knowledge of Batticaloa (Tamil: மட்டக்களப்பின் கலாசாரப் பாரம்பரியத்தினதும் சுதேசிய அறிவினதும் ஆவணப்படுத்தல்.) Sri Lanka Library Review. Vol 29.
- Santharooban, S (2009). A tutorial modelling approach to explain the reflexes in the system dynamics of the Batticaloa Lagoon in response to discharge from irrigation tanks. Journal of Science: 4 (1), pp 39-53.
- Thayananth, S., Santharooban, S., Manobavan, M., and Fernando, G.W.A.R. (2008) Modelling the influences of Unnichchai irrigation tank on the Batticaloa lagoon. Tropical Agriculture Research: 20, pp 326-335.
- Santharooban, S and Manobavan, M. (2006). Some aspects of Environmental Management in Rice Mill Industry. AGRIEAST, Journal of Agriculture, Eastern University Sri Lanka. Vol. 5. pp 81-91
Papers in peer-reviewed Presentations at National/International Conferences/Symposia
- Rathnayaka, RMHK., Jayasundara, JAJB., Chathurima, KML., Santharooban, S., and Karunakaran, KE. (20-12-2021). Knowledge of Antenatal Care Practice among Pregnant Mothers attending Antenatal Clinics at Palameenmadu, Sinna Urani, Sri Lanka. 3rd Annual Students’ Research Session. Faculty of Health-Care Sciences, EUSL URL:
- K.E.Karunakaran, S.Santharooban and M.F.M.Marsook. (09-01-2019). Perception of climate change and its effect on human health: A preliminary survey among the staff at Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Second International Symposium on Agriculture (ISA 2018), Eastern University Sri Lanka
- Singhawansa S.G, Kiruthya T , Shashikala R.D.S, Abeyrathna D.E.W.T.R.R and Santharooban S. (15-12-2022). A study on the health literacy of Eastern University undergraduates. Annual Research Session 2022, Faculty of Health-Care Sciences, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. URL:
- Santharooban, S and Marasinghe, M.P.L.R. (25-10-2022). Copyright Literacy of Library & Information Science Professionals in Sri Lankan University. Virtual International Conference on Library and Information Science, SLTC Research University, Sri Lanka
- Yasanthini, G.F. and Santharooban, S. (21-09-2022). Social Networking Platforms for Visual and Performing Arts Education. National Conference of Library and Information Science, SLLA. URL:
- Murugathas, K & Santharooban, S. (21-07-2022). Students’ perspectives on plagiarism detection. Vingnanam Research Conference-2022. Jaffna University International Research Conference-2022. p 17 URL:
- Santharooban, S. & Lavanya, J. (20th September, 2018). A Comparative analysis of reference managers; EndNote and Mendeley. International Conference of University Librarians Association of Sri Lanka, pp 90-107
- Santharooban, S. and Ramanan, T., Ravikumar, M.N. (23rd July, 2016). Documentation of Cultural Heritage of Batticaloa District of Sri Lanka: With special reference to digitization of Palm-Leaf Manuscripts – a project. National Conference on Library and Information Science. Sri Lanka Library Association.
- Ramanan, T., Ravikumar, M.N. and Santharooban, S. (5-9, July, 2015). Hybridization of Indigenous Knowledge and Documentation of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Batticaloa District of Sri Lanka. 36th Annual IATUL Conference. International Association of University Libraries. Hannover, Germany. URL:
- Ramanan, T., Santharooban, S and Ravikumar, M.N. (2015). Identification and Documentation of Cultural Heritage of Batticaloa District of Sri Lanka. 4th International Conference of Asian Special Libraries (ICoASL 2015). National Assembly Library, Seoul South Korea, 22-24 April, 2015.
- Santharooban, S and Ramanan, T. (2014). Discovery of Palm-Leaf Manuscripts in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. International conference "Future Museums: An Asian Perspective.” Centre for Asian Studies, University of Kelaniya. 170-176
- Santharooban, S and Pemadasa, P.G. (21-11-2014). Development of an Information Literacy Model for Problem Based Learning practiced in Faculty of Health-Care Sciences of Eastern University, Sri Lanka. NILIS Symposium 2014, National Institute of Library and Information Sciences, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. 108-119.
- Santharooban, S and Vinobaba, P. (2012). Rehabilitation of Mangroves in Paalameenmadu & Puthukudiyiruppu, and its biodiversity. Workshop proceeding on Rehabilitation of Tsunami affected areas in the Southern and the eastern provinces of Sri Lanka. 27th & 28th March, Sri Lanka. Pp 109-122.
- Santharooban, S.and Manobavan, M. (2008). A study on the bibliographies of Batticaloa Lagoon (Tamil: மட்டக்களப்பு வாவி சம்பந்தமான அறிவுக்களஞ்சியத் திரட்டு பற்றிய கருத்தாய்வு.) Proceeding of 7th Annual Research Session (ARS 2008) of Eastern University Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka. pp 201-218
- Aravinthy, S and Santharooban, S. (2006). A study of relationship between Otolith morphometrics and Body morphometrics of fish Silver Sillago (Sillago sihama). Proceeding of 5th Annual Research Session (ARS 2006) of Eastern University Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka.
- Santharooban, S.and Manobavan, M. (2005). Evaluating the Impacts of an Improperly Designed Bridge across the Batticaloa Lagoon. International (third national) Symposium Proceedings of Water Professional’s Day, PGIA, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, pp 189.
Rathnayaka, RMHK., Jayasundara, JAJB., Chathurima, KML., Santharooban, S., and Karunakaran, KE. (20-12-2021). Knowledge of Antenatal Care Practice among Pregnant Mothers attending Antenatal Clinics at Palameenmadu, Sinna Urani, Sri Lanka. 3rd Annual Students’ Research Session. Faculty of Health-Care Sciences, EUSL
- Krishanthy, S and Santharooban, S. (26-11-2021). A bibliometric analysis of COVID -19 research papers indexed in SCOPUS: Comparison of Sri Lankan context with Global context. 4th International Conference on Library and Information Management ICLIM – 2021, University of Kelaniya.
- K.E.Karunakaran, S.Santharooban and M.F.M.Marsook. (09-01-2019). Perception of climate change and its effect on human health: A preliminary survey among the staff at Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Second International Symposium on Agriculture (ISA 2018), Eastern University Sri Lanka
- Santharooban, S. Ramanan, T. and Ravikumar, M.N. (2015). Exploiting ‘library-periods’ in schools to implement information literacy programmes. International Conference on Library and Information Science (ICLIS-2015), Sri Lanka Library Association.175-176, (17-18th September, 2015)
- Ravikumar, M.N, Santharooban, S. and Ramanan, T. (2015). Research Support Service (RSS): Initiation of new library service at Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Academic Session-2014 of University Librarians Association.
- Ramanan, T., Santharooban, S and Ravikumar, M.N. (28-29, May, 2015). Indigenous Knowledge Potentiality of Batticaloa District of Eastern Sri Lanka. 7th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries (QQML 2015). IUT Université Paris Descartes, Paris France. 108-109.
- Santharooban, S., Prashanthan, B and Gayathri, T. (2012). A pilot survey of the palm leaf manuscripts in Batticaloa. NILIS Symposium 2012, National Institute of Library and Information Sciences, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. pp 124.
- Sathaananthan, T., Santharooban, S and Sathaananthan, S. (2012). Study the usage of IT domains among the fresh students of the faculty of Health-Care Sciences, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Scientific Session 2012, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayawardenapura.
- Santharooban, S., Vinobaba, P and Fernando, R. (2012) Effect of different industrial effluents on the water quality of Valaichchenai lagoon. Proceedings of 17th international forestry and environment symposium, 2012. University of Sri Jayawardenepura, Sri Lanka. pp 50.
- Santharooban, S and Vinobaba, P. (2008). Anthropogenic impacts on mangrove vegetation in Palameenmadu and Puthukudiyiruppu, Batticaloa and the needs for establishment of Nursery. First Conference of the CIDA Restore Project.
- Manobavan, M and Santharooban, S. (2006). A modelling approach to illustrate the behaviour of the Sinnauppodai wetland as a shock absorber to the Tsunami Surge. Issues and Challenges of 21st Century, Proceedings of the International Symposium, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, pp281.
- Santharooban, S. and Manobavan, M. (2006). Analysis of influences imparted by unplanned bridges across the Batticaloa lagoon to it’s Bar mouth mechanism. International Conference-2006, Eastern University Sri Lanka.
Articles in Magazine and Newsletter
- Santharooban, S. (2022). Participatory decision-making in Sri Lankan university libraries. Feature article in ULA Newsletter, Vol-16, Issue -02
- Santharooban, S. (November, 2015). Application of Information Literacy in Teaching Learning Activities of Secondary Schools in Sri Lanka (Tamil: பாடசாலைக் கற்றல் கற்பித்தல் செயற்பாடுகளில் தகவல் அறிவின் பயன்பாடு), Asiriyam
- Santharooban, S. (2021). Role of public libraries in promoting information literacy in Sri Lankan context. Featured article in SLLA Newsletter. Vol 37, Issue 3
- செ. சாந்தரூபன் (2021) இணையவழிக் கற்றல். கிழக்கொளி சஞ்சிகை. கிழக்குப் பல்கலைக் கழகம்.
- செ. சாந்தரூபன் (2022) தொழிற் சங்கமும் தார்மீகக் கடமைகளும். Voice of East, Vol 1
- Balasooriya, A.H.K, Marasinghe, M.M.I.K, Santharooban, S, Ketheeswaran, S, Kumarasinghe, B.G.N, and Thirukumar, V. (2020). Digital Library Management. Block 2. The Open University of Sri Lanka
- Ravikumar, M.N, Ramanan, T, Santharooban, S, Balasooriya, H and Ketheeswaran, S. (2019) Advanced Library Automation. Block I. The Open University of Sri Lanka
- செ. சாந்தரூபன் (2020) நூலகப் பகுப்பாக்க அடிப்படைகள். குமரன் புத்தக இல்லம். (ISBN: 978-955-659704-2)
- செ. சாந்தரூபன், பெ.வினோபாபா, (2008). கண்டல் தாவரங்களை பாதுகாத்தலும் தகுந்தமுறையில் பயன்படுத்தலும் எவ்வாறு? சீடா (CIDA) மீள்கட்டுமானத்திட்டம், கிழக்குப் பல்கலைக் கழகம் (ISBN: 978-955-1443-14-6)
Book Chapters
- Santharooban, S and Ravikumar, M.N. (2021). New service paradigm for Sri Lankan University libraries. In P.Wijetunga (Eds). Monograph on University Libraries of Sri Lanka. Centenary Volume, University of Colombo (in press)
- Santharooban, S and Vinobaba, P. (2011) Lessons learned in Mangrove Ecosystem Conservation in the Batticaloa District. In IUCN (2011). An Appraisal of mangrove Management in Micro-tidal Estuaries and Lagoons in Sri Lanka. IUCN Sri Lanka Country Office, Colombo. Pp 102-104
Research Interest
- Information literacy in higher education
- Social media applications in education
- Information services
- Role of academic librarians
- Cultural heritage
Visiting Academia:
Visiting Lecturer at National Institute of Library and Information Science, University of Colombo for Diploma in School Librarianship and Post Graduate Diploma in Library and Information Science since 2022.
Visiting Lecturer at Sri Lanka Library Association for Diploma in Library and Information Science and Higher Diploma in Library and Information Science since 2018.
Visiting Lecturer, for B.Sc Natural Science at Batticaloa Regional Centre, Open University, Sri Lanka from 2011-2019
Training topics
- Library Classification
- Online resources, Databases
- Quantitative Data analysis using SPSS, R
- Qualitative data analysis and literature reviewing using NVivo
- Information Literacy
- Reference Management Software (Mendeley & EndNote)
Positions Held
- Programme Coordinator, Higher Diploma in Library and Information Science of Faculty of Arts and Culture, EUSL, since 2023
- Secretary, Teachers’ Association of Eastern University, 2023/2024
- Co-secretary for international conference of University Librarians Association, 2023
- Council member and convener COMAISP at Sri Lanka Library Association since 2020
- Vice-president of University Librarians’ Associations (2022-2023)
- Student counsellor at Faculty of Health-Care Sciences since 2023
- Chairman for Award of Excellence in teaching committee of FHCS since 2020
- Member and Reviewer of Ethics Review Committee of Faculty of Health-Care Sciences - 2014 to 2020.
- Member of Faculty Research Committee of Faculty of Health-Care Sciences - 2019 to date.
- Member of Senate Library Sub Committee -2007 to date
- Treasurer, Eahai, Welfare Association of Faculty of Health-Care Sciences since 2021
- Convener, Faculty level IT cell since June 2016
- Treasurer, Teachers’ Association of Eastern University (2021-2022)
- Editor, Teachers’ Association of Eastern University (2022-2023)
- Assistant Secretary, Teachers’ Association of Eastern University, 2016/2017
- Executive Committee Member of Teachers Association of Eastern University (TAEU) -2010-2011, 2014-2015, 2020-2021
- Executive Committee Member of University Librarians Association 2016/2017
- Newsletter Editor for University Librarians Association 2016/2017
- Secretary of International Symposium of Library (LibSym-2018), organized by Library Network, EUSL
- Editorial Co-ordinator, Annual Research Session of EUSL 2017
- University Administrator for URKUND Anti-plagiarism software
- Reviewer in Journal of University Librarians Association (ULA), International Conference of ULA, Annual Research Session of ARS of Eastern University, Sri Lanka.