Dr. Sankarapillai Sujendran

Dr. Sankarapillai Sujendran
Dip. in Nursing, PBDN, BSc Nursing (Hons), MSc Nursing (Adelaide), PhD(Colombo)
Senior Lecturer in Nursing
Department of Supplementary Health Sciences
Faculty of Health-Care Sciences
Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Telephone: +94652222059 ext 116
Email: sujendrans@esn.ac.lk / sankarapillaisujendran@gmail.com
Dr. S. Sujendran is a senior lecturer in nursing attached to the Faculty of Health-Care Sciences, Eastern University Sri Lanka. Dr. Sujendran commenced his career as a Nursing Officer in 1989 and subsequently served in many hospitals of Ministry of Health and then joined the Eastern University Sri Lanka in 2008. His doctoral thesis was on a cluster randomized controlled trial (CRCT) for the assessment of the effectiveness of a nutrition counseling intervention for mothers or care givers of preschool children aged 6 to 36 months, in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka, in 2013/2016. The study was aimed to improve the nutritional status of preschool children.
Dr. Sujendran has more than 30 years experience in professional nursing practice including 8 years experience in teaching nursing science to BSc nursing undergraduates. He supervised the nursing undergraduates in community field visits, family assessments and community health education. He has an ability to communicate equivalently in all three languages (English, Sinhala, and Tamil).Dr. Sujendran has published 2 articles in indexed journals and presented 13 papers in international research conferences.
Full Paper Publications:
- Sujendran S, Senarath U and Joseph J (2015) “Prevalence of Stunting among Children Aged 6 to 36 Months, in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka.” J Nutr Disorders Ther 5.154: 2161-0509. Available at; http://omicsonline.org/open-access/prevalence-of-stunting-among-children-aged-6-to-36-months-in-the-eastern-province-of-sri-lanka-2161-0509-5-154.php?aid=40356
- Sujendran S, Senarath U, Joseph J (2015) “Experience of Public Health Midwives as Nutrition Counselors for Mothers and Care Givers of Children Aged 6-36 Months in Eastern Province of Sri Lanka.” J Nutr Disorders Ther 5: 161.Available at; http://www.omicsonline.org/open-access/experience-of-public-health-midwives-as-nutrition-counselors-formothers-and-care-givers-of-children-aged-636-months-in-easternprovince-of-sri-lanka-2161-0509-1000161.pdf
Presentations at Conferences
- Sujendran S., “Being a bed bound patient with skeletal traction for the management of fractured femur-an interpretive study” (pp1-192) Abstract presentation at 44th Asia Pacific Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) Conference- 2012,13-18,October 2012, at BMICH, Colombo.
- Sujendran S., “Level of awareness regarding foot care among diabetic patients” (PP2-40) (pp1-192) Abstract presentation at 44th Asia Pacific Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) Conference- 2012, 13-18, October 2012, at BMICH, Colombo.
- Sujendran S, Senarath U and Joseph J, “Feeding practices among children aged 6 to 36 months, in the eastern province of Sri Lanka”, presented at iPURSE -2014 , (International Research Session - University of Peradeniya), 4-5 July, 2014.
- Sujendran S, Senarath U and Joseph J, “Prevalence and Predictors of under nutrition among children aged 6 to 36 months, in the eastern province of Sri Lanka”, presented at HETC Symposium-2014, 7-8 July 2014, at Hotel Galadhari, Colombo.
- Sujendran S, Senarath U and Joseph J, “Predictors and prevalence of under nutrition among children aged 6 to 36 months, in the eastern province of Sri Lanka”, presented at SLMA international research session 2014, 17-19 July 2014, at BMICH, Colombo.
- Sujendran S, Senarath U and Joseph J, “Experience of Public Health Midwives as nutrition counselors for mothers/ care givers on behalf of children aged 6-36 months, in eastern province of Sri Lanka, presentation at KDU International Research Conference 2014, 21-22 August 2014.
- Sujendran S, Senarath U and Joseph J, “Perceptions of Public Health Midwives towards current nutrition counseling interventions to the children aged 6-36 months, in eastern province of Sri Lanka, presented at 11th Annual Research Session of Eastern University,Sri Lanka , 12th of February, 2015.
- Youhasan,P., and Sujendran,S., “Analyzing the factors influencing on the selection of contraceptive methods among married women in selected locations of Batticaloa district”, presented at iPURSE -2015(International Research Session - University of Peradeniya), 5-6 November 2015.
- Sujendran S, Senarath U and Joseph J, “Nutrition education improves acute undernutrition among children aged 6 to 36 months, in eastern province of Sri Lanka; a cluster randomized trial, presented at International Conference on Maternal and Child Health organized by South Asia Infant Feeding Research Network (SAIFRN) and UNICEF, held at Hotel Kingsberry, Colombo, 23-24 November 2015 .
- Sujendran S, Senarath U and Joseph J, “Nutrition counseling experience of Public Health Midwives on feeding practices of children aged 6 to 36 months, in eastern province of Sri Lank, presented at International Conference on Maternal and Child Health organized by South Asia Infant Feeding Research Network (SAIFRN) and UNICEF, held at Hotel Kingsberry, Colombo, 23-24 November 2015 .
- Sujendran S, Senarath U and Joseph J, “Prevalence of stunting among children aged 6 to 36 months, in eastern province of Sri Lanka, presented at International Conference on Maternal and Child Health organized by South Asia Infant Feeding Research Network (SAIFRN) and UNICEF, held at Hotel Kingsberry, Colombo, 23-24 November 2015.
- Sujendran S, Senarath U and Joseph J, “Effects of nutrition education on undernutrition among children aged 6 to 36 months, in eastern province of Sri Lanka”, presented at the International Research Session of Eastern University, Sri Lanka (ICE 2016), 10-11 March 2016.
- Sujendran S, Senarath U and Joseph J, “Impacts of nutrition counseling on nutritional status of children aged 6 to 36 months, in eastern Sri Lanka: A cluster randomized controlled trial”, presented at the Annual Scientific Sessions of the Nutrition Society of, Sri Lanka, 28-29 January 2017.
Research Interest
- Preschooler Nutrition
- Public Health Nutrition
- Clinical Nursing practice
- Mental Health Nursing
Teaching undergraduate regular and external nursing students since.
Community Health Nursing, Sociology, Psychology, History, Ethics and Professionalism in nursing, Fundamentals of Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Adult Nursing, Humanistic Skills, Nursing Management, Trends and Issues in Nursing.
Teaching and supervision for nursing students during community field visits and family assessments.
Clinical teaching and student supervision in hospitals
- Award for Outstanding Performance in Ward Administration and Supervision -2007, at Ibn Sina Hospital, by Ministry of Health, Sultanate of Oman
Positions Held
- Nursing Officer, Grade 2, At Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka (1989-2002)
- Nursing officer, Grade 1, At Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka (2002-2005)
- Nursing Supervisor, At Ministry of Health, Oman (2005-2008)
- Coordinator, Department of Supplementary Health Sciences (2008- 2011)
- Coordinator, BSc Nursing External Degree Programme (2008-2013)
- Faculty Representative for the Senate ( from 2009 to 2010)
- Student Counselor, Faculty of Health Care Sciences ( 2010-2013)
- Faculty Representative for Curriculum Committee ( 2010-2013)
- Faculty Representative for Sports Advisory Committee (2016 –up to date)
- Student Counselor, Faculty of Health Care Sciences (2016 –up to date)
- Internal member for Board of Study, External degrees programme, FHCS,EUSL (2013 -2016)
- Chairperson for Board of Study, External degrees programme, FHCS,EUSL(2016 –up to date)
- Coordinator, Department of Supplementary Health Sciences ((2016 –up to date)