Dr. H.M.F.J.Nazeefa

Dr. H.M.F.J.Nazeefa
Senior Lecturer in Anatomy
Department of Human Biology
Faculty of Health-Care Sciences
Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Telephone: + 094 77 066 1050
Email: nazeefaj@esn.ac.lk / hmfjnazeefah@gmail.com
Dr. H M F J Nazeefa is a Senior Lecturer in Anatomy at the Department of Human Biology, Faculty of Health-Care Sciences, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Her research interests include Functional and clinical aspects of Anatomy, Morphometric analysis of the Placenta, and Teaching-Learning methodology of Anatomy.
Links to Publications
- Google Scholar:
https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=CJdIYw4AAAAJ&hl=en - Research Gate:
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hmfj-Nazeefa - ORCID:
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Nazeefa, H. M. F. J*. (2021). Opportunities and Challenges of Online Anatomy Teaching and Learning for Pre-Clinical Students. (Review Article). Journal of Human Anatomy. 2021;5(1). DOI: https://doi.org/10.23880/jhua-16000157
- Nazeefa, H. M. F. J*. Thirukumar, M. Thayabaran, T. (2020). Association between the morphometric parameters of placenta and umbilical cord with the birth weight. (Article). Sri Lanka Anatomy Journal. 2020;4(1):22–30. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/slaj.v4i1.111
Conference Proceedings – Full Paper
- Nazeefa, H. M. F. J*. Somasiri, K. G. Rajavarman, R. (2017). Comparative study of Perceived Stress among Phase I Medical Students of Eastern University, Sri Lanka. (Article). Proceeding of Annual Research session 2017, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. pp 149-157.
Refereed Abstracts presented at the conferences:
- Nazeefa, H. M. F. J*. Ratnatunga C N, Adikari S B, Thirukumar M (2023). Prevalence and association of first-trimester obesity with Gestational Diabetes mellitus among pregnant women, Batticaloa. (Abs). Book of proceedings, 136th Anniversary International Medical Congress 2023. pp 159-160.
- Nazeefa, H. M. F. J*. Adikari S B, Ratnatunga C N, Thirukumar M (2022). Level of awareness on gestational diabetes mellitus and associated factors among pregnant women in the antenatal care centers, Kattankudy. (Abs). Book of proceedings, 5th Annual Research Conference 2022, (TRInCo-2022). pp 04.
- Nazeefa, H. M. F. J*. Thirukumar, M. Thayabaran, T. (2019). Effect of gestational age on the morphometric parameters of placenta. (Abs). Book of proceedings, Annual Academic Session 2019, Anatomical Society of Sri Lanka. pp 03.
- Nazeefa, H. M. F. J*. Thayabaran, T. Rajavarman, R. (2018). Relationship of Palmaris Longus agenesis with laterality of hand. (Abs). Book of proceedings, Annual Academic Session 2018, Anatomical Society of Sri Lanka. pp 19.
- Nazeefa, H. M. F. J*. Somasiri, K. G. Rajavarman, R. (2017). Comparative study of Perceived Stress among Phase I Medical Students of Eastern University, Sri Lanka. (Abs). Book of abstracts, Annual Research session 2017, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. pp 35.
- Somasiri, K.G*. Rajavarman, R. Nazeefa, H.M.F.J. Thayabaran, M. (2016). Comparison of physical health parameters of medical students and biological science students of Eastern University, Sri Lanka. (Abs). Book of abstract, 4th International Conference 2016, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. pp 28.
- Somasiri, K.G*. Rajavarman, R. Nazeefa, H M F J. Sujeevan, S. (2015). Translation and validation of Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) to Tamil language. (Abs) Book of abstracts, Annual Scientific sessions 2015, Batticaloa Medical Association. pp21
- Somasiri, K.G*. Rajavarman, R. Nazeefa, H M F J. (2015). Perceived Stress of Second year medical students before and after an End Module Examination. Poster presentation, Annual Scientific sessions 2015, Batticaloa Medical Association.
Article in Magazine:
- “COVID-19 க்கு எதிரான தடுப்பூசியின் முக்கியத்துவம்”, அலை ஓசை – 2021 (ISSN-2513-2547).
Research Interest
Outline: Functional and clinical aspects of Anatomy, Morphometric analysis of the Placenta, Teaching-Learning of Anatomy
- Physical mental and social well-being of undergraduates in EUSL.
- Agenesis of palmaris longus.
- Morphometric analysis of the Placenta and Umbilical cord.
- Effect of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in the trans-placental transfer of subclasses of IgG.
- Teaching and Learning of Anatomy.
- Cell Structure and Cell Cycle
- Tissues of the Human Body
- Upper Limb
- Macroscopic and Microscopic Anatomy of Different Systems of the Human Body.
- Demonstration of Dissection and Histology.
BSc Nursing
- Cell Structure and Cell Cycle
- Tissues of the Human Body
- Macroscopic and Microscopic Anatomy of Different Systems of the Human Body.
- Musculoskeletal System
- Demonstration of Dissection and Histology.
- Excellence in Teaching Award - 2022 for the category of favourite teaching in 1st & 2nd Year BSc Nursing, Faculty of Health-Care Sciences, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Best Oral Presenter Award at the “5th Annual Research Conference 2022, (TRInCo-2022)”, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka for the research presentation on the Level of awareness on gestational diabetes mellitus and associated factors among pregnant women in the antenatal care centers, Kattankudy.
- Excellence in teaching award -2020 for the category of using innovative methods in teaching and evaluation, Faculty of Health-Care Sciences, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Best Oral Presentation Award at the “Annual Research Session 2017”, Eastern University, Sri Lanka for the research presentation on Comparative study of Perceived Stress among Phase I Medical Students of Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
Positions Held
- Joint Secretary, “EAHAI” The Welfare Association, FHCS, EUSL (2024 – 2027).
- Member of Award of Excellence in Teaching Committee: 2024
- Member of Faculty Board as representative of Lecturer (Probationary).
- Member of SER committee, Faculty of Health-Care Sciences.
- Secretary, 2nd Annual Student Research Session 2020
- Student Councilor of the Faculty of Health-Care Sciences.
- Student Mentor of the Faculty of Health-Care Sciences.
- Module coordinator for MBBS & BSc Nursing.
- Coordinator, Annual Research Session, 2017.
- Member of Phase I curriculum revised committee for Anatomy.
Professional Membership
- Lifetime Member, Anatomical Society, Sri Lanka.
- Member of the Sri Lanka Association for Laboratory Animals (SLALAS).