Workshop on “Primary Care Teaching for Medical Doctors and Clinical importance, new updates in Primary Health-Care”

Above mentioned workshop was organized for primary care physicians on 10th April, 2016 at Batticaloa Regional Director of Health Service Office, Auditorium to develop a primary care physician team for improve the undergraduate MBBS Programme in Eastern University.
Following peoples contributed as resource persons for the workshop:
Prof. P.T. Jayawickramarajah(Professor in Medical Education), Dr. S. Poologanathan(General Physician, England), Dr. R. Surendrakumar (Head,Dept. of Community and Family Medicine, University of Jaffna), Dr. S. Kumaran (Lecturer, Dept. of Community and Family Medicine, University of Jaffna), Dr. M. Umakanth (Consultant Physician & Lecturer, Dept. of Clinical Sciences, FHCS, EUSL) and Dr. K. Arulanandam(Lecturer, Dept. of Primary Health-Care, FHCS, EUSL).