Dr. Mythreye Thayabaran

Dr. Mythreye Thayabaran
BSc (Hons Human Biology/Anatomy Specialization, USJP), PhD (USJP)
Senior Lecturer Gr I in Anatomy
Department of Human Biology
Faculty of Health-Care Sciences
Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Telephone: 065 2224349
Email: mythreyet@esn.ac.lk / mthayabaran77@gmail.com
Name with initials: DR.M.THAYABARAN
Sex: Female
Nationality: Sri Lankan Tamil
Present address: No 07, Government Quarters, Pillaiyar Kovil, Kallady.
Contact number:
Mobile: 0774-940534
Office: 065 -2224349
Fax: 065-2227025
Residence: 065-2227935
Email: mthayabaran77@gmail.com
Date of Birth: 06.04.1977
NIC number: 775971894V
Civil status: Married
Educational Background
- PhD in Anatomy, May 2013
University of Sri Jayewardenepura
Thesis: “Localization of Cholinergic Nerves and the acetylcholine receptors in tissues of the immune system- an animal and postmortem human study” - B.Sc. (Hons) in Human Biology (Anatomy specialization), July 2004
Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura on with Second Class Upper Division.
Thesis: Comparative analysis and estimation of human stature calculated from lengths of long bones of different eras (prehistoric, historic, Veddah and present population) - From the undergraduate studies, have completed practical and theory modules in molecular biology and molecular genetics, Immunology, immunohistochemistry, ELISA, biochemistry and biotechnology, Basic and advanced histology techniques, anthropology and archeology.
- Followed Postgraduate Diploma in Archeology at the Postgraduate Institute of Archeology, University of Kelaniya
Employment Record
- Working as a Senior lecturer of the Discipline of Anatomy at the Department of Human Biology, Faculty of Health-Care Sciences, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 11.09.2006 up to date.
- Temporary lecturer in Anatomy at the Department of Human Biology, Faculty of Health-Care Sciences, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 09.09.2005. to 10.09.2006.
- Temporary demonstrator in Anatomy and Physiology at the Gampaha Wickramarachi Ayurveda Institue, University of Kelaniya from 04.11.2004 to 01.09.2005.
Links to Publications
Journal articles and full papers
- Somasiri KG, Rajavarman R, Naseefa M, Thayabaran M. Comparison of Physical Health Parameters of Medical Students and Biological Science Students of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka. Full paper presented at 4th International Conference of the Eastern University, 10th to 11th of March, 2016.
- Kisokanth G, Arulanandem K, Sundaresan KT, Joseph J, Thayaparan M, Herath HMTP &Dayarathne DARK. Prevalence and risk factors of Diabetes Mellitus among adults in Batticaloa District – A pilot study. Full paper presented at 4th International conference Eastern University, Sri Lanka held on 10th -11th March 2016.
- Thayabaran M and Yasawardene SG. “Neuronal control of localized inflammation through functional nicotinic acetylcholine receptors – a mice study” Ceylon Medical Journal, Vol. 60, No.4, December 2015.
- Thayabaran M and Yasawardene SG. “Immunohistochemical expression of functional nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in human and murine immune tissues – A Comparative study”. Full paper presented at 3rd International conference Eastern University, Sri Lanka held on 4th of December 2014.
- Thayabaran M and Yasawardene SG.” Immunohistochemical localization of Vesicular Acetylcholine Transporters and Choline Acetyl Transferase activity in murine and human immune tissues” GSTF Journal of Advances in Medical Research (JAMR) Vol 1 No 2, (Print ISSN: 2345-7201, E-periodical: 2345-721X).
- RajendraPrasad R and Thayabaran M. “Physiological basis for Analgesia by acupuncture”. Annual Research Journal of Batticaloa Medical Association, Vol. 5, 2009.
Abstracts in Conference Proceedings
- Dayarathne DARK,Sundaresan KT, KisokanthG ,Arulanadem K, Josepha J, Thayaparan M, Herath HMTP. “Prevalence and Risk Factors of Diabetes Mellitus among Adults in Batticaloa District – A pilot study”. Abstract presentation at 9th Annual Scientific Sessions of Galoya Nimna Clinical Society on 3rd November, 2016.
- Arulpragasam A N, Thayabaran M.“How sensitized are the health-care professionals in gender based issues? An overview from the East of Sri Lanka” presented at the international conference on “Addressing sexual and gender based violence in South Asia Institutions of Higher education (SGBV)” organized by Association of Commonwealth Universities with Eastern University, Sri Lanaka held on 9-10 July, 2015.
- Arulanandem K, Kisokanth G, Sundaresan K T, Joseph J, Thayaparan M & Herath HMTP. Anemia in a sample of adults ages 20 to 85 years in selected divisional secretariat divisions, Batticaloa district. Abstract presentation at 128th Anniversary International Medical Congress of Sri Lanka medical Association, held on 6th-8th July 2015.
- Arulanandem K, Kisokanth G, Sundaresan KT, Joseph J, Thayaparan M & Herath HMTP. Projections of Diabetes Mellitus in a Sample of Adults in Batticaloa District: A pilot study. Abstract presentation at the Annual Scientific sessions of Batticaloa Medical Association held on 7th – 9th of August, 2015.
- Thayabaran M and Yasawardene SG.” Immunohistochemical localization of Vesicular Acetylcholine Transporters and Choline Acetyl Transferase activity in murine and human immune tissues” 1st Annual Conference of Macroscopic & Microscopic Anatomy- 2014, 21st & 22nd of July, 2014 in Singapore. Won the best research paper award
- Thayabaran M and Yasawardene SG. “Localization of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor subtype 2 (M2) in immune tissues of Balb/C mice and Wistar rats – An immunohistochemical study”. 69th Annual Session of SLAAS. Dec 5 -9, 2013.
- Thayabaran M and Yasawardene SG. “Cholinergic innervation and distribution of functional nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in lymphoid tissues- An immuno histochemical study”. Annual Scientific Conference of Jaffna Medical Association, Sept. 2013.
- Thayabaran M and Yasawardene SG. “Cholinergic nerve control of turpentine induced localized inflammation in Balb/C mice” 3rd Biennial Conference of South Asian Association of Physiologists (SAAP-3), Colombo, Sri Lanka. November 7-10, 2012.
- Thayabaran M and Yasawardene SG. “Autonomic innervation and distribution of functional nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in lymphoid tissues- An immuno histochemical Study”. 3rd Biennial Conference of South Asian Association of Physiologists (SAAP-3), November 7-10,2012. Won the award for the best Poster presentation.
- Thayabaran M and Yasawardene SG. “Localization of Vesicular Acetylcholine Transporters and the Choline acetyl transferase enzyme activity in lymphoid tissues of Wistar rats and Balb/C mice - An immuhistochemical study”. Annual Scientific Sessions of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 7th Dec, 2012.
- Thayabaran M and Yasawardene SG. “Demonstration of the distribution of cholinergic nerve endings and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors by immunohistochemical and immunoflourescence techniques.” Annual Scientific Sessions of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 7th Dec, 2012.
- Thayabaran M and Yasawardene SG. “Anatomical evidence of cholinergic neuroimmune interactions in lymphoid tissues: an immunohistochemical study.” 68 th. Annual Scientific Session of SLAAS. December 10-14, 2012.
- Thayabaran M and Yasawardene SG. “Neuronal control of turpentine induced localized inflammation through functional nicotinic acetylcholine receptors – mice study.” Annual Scientific Sessions of the Batticaloa Medical Association. August 2- 5, 2012.
- Thayabaran M and Yasawardene SG. “Localization of the neural profiles of human lymphoid tissues – an immunohistochemical study”. 5th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Institute of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Colombo, 27th of April, 2012.
- Thayabaran M and Yasawardene SG. “Innervation and the distribution of functional nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in human lymphoid tissues - An immuhistochemical study”. 125th Anniversary International Scientific Congress of Sri Lanka Medical Association. The Ceylon Medical Journal, 57(1), Page 105, June 2012.
- Thayabaran M and Yasawardene SG. “Distribution of alpha1 subunits of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in lymphoid tissues of Balb/C mice and humans – a comparative study”. 67th Annual Session of SLAAS. Dec 5 -9, 2011.
- Thayabaran M and Yasawardene SG. “Immunohistochemical localization of α1 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in lymphoid tissues of humans.” ARS at University of Kelaniya, Nov 3rd & 4th 2011.
- Thayabaran M and Yasawardene SG. “Presence of functional nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in human lymphoid tissues.” Annual Scientific Sessions of the Physiological Society of Sri Lanka, 18th of Nov, 2011.
- Thayabaran M and Yasawardene SG. “Distribution of functional nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in human and murine immune tissues – A Comparative study”. 5th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists. Dec 2-4, 2011. Won the award for the best Poster Presentation.
- Thayabaran M and Yasawardene SG and Dilrukshi KPP. “Immunohistochemical localization of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the lymphoid tissues – An animal study.” 124th Annual Scientific Sessions of SLMA. The Ceylon Medical Journal, 56(1),Page 47, June, 2011. ISSN 0009-0875.
- Somasundaram M and Yasawardene SG and Adhikari G. “Estimation and comparative analysis of stature calculated from long bones of prehistoric, historic and Veddah population with modern present population.” Annual Research Sessions of EUSL, 2006.
Research Interest
Neuroscience and neuroimmunology:
- Cholinergic neuroimmune modulation of lymphoid organs
- Age related neuroimmune regulation of lymphoid organs
- Gross anatomy & advanced histology
Ongoing research activities
One of the investigator in the following ongoing researches,
- Evaluation of physical, mental and social well-being of undergraduates in EUSL- Co-investigator
- The prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus and distribution of its risk factors among adults in Batticaloa district- Principle investigator
- Stroke disability in patients who are admitted to Teaching Hospital Batticaloa- A pilot study – Co-investigator
- Finding the effect of motivation and mobilization to minimize metabolic syndrome”; Pilot study – Co-investigator
- Prevalence of the Palmaris longus agenesis among undergraduate students of Eastern University, Sri Lanka – Principle supervisor
MBBS course
Gross anatomy, histology and embryology of the following modules
- Module HB03: Tissues of the human body I
- Module HB04: Tissues of the human body II
- Module HB05: General Human Embryology and Medical Genetics
- Module HB07: Locomotor system I (Upper limb)
- Module HB08: Locomotor system II (Lower limb)
- Module HB09: Central nervous system
- Module HB10: Peripheral nervous system
- Module HB11: Special senses
- Module HB12 & 13: Cardiovascular system
- Module HB14 & 15: Respiratory system
- Module HB16: Endocrine system
- Module HB17: Gastro intestinal system
- Module HB20 & 21: Renal system
- Module HB22 & 23: Reproductive system
B Sc Nursing
- General Embryology
- Cell & Tissues
- Musculoskeletal system
- Anatomy aspect of all other systems
- EUSL- Foreign exposure AIT visit-2016
- Awarded by the EUSL Research Committee the EUSL Research Grant of Rs. 2.4 million in 2016 to carry out the project titled “The prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus and distribution of its risk factors among adults in Batticaloa district” for two years.
- Research Grant awarded in 2009 by the University Grants Commission to obtain Doctoral Qualifications Locally.
- Best research paper awarded in 1st Annual Conference of Macroscopic & Microscopic Anatomy held in Singapore, 2014.
- Best Poster Presentation awarded in the5th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists, 2011.
- Best research Presentation awarded in 3rd Biennial Conference of South Asian Association of Physiologists (SAAP-3), November 7-10,2012.
- Dharmaretnam memorial award received during undergraduate level
Positions Held
- Head of the Department from Nov, 2014 up-to date.
- Student Counsellor of FHCS from June, 2009 to Aug, 2009, and from 08.07.2015 to 17.10.2017.
- Academic career guidance advisor of FHCS from 09.11.2015 to 08.11.2018.
- Secretary of Ethics Review Committee, FHCS from May, 2016.
- Coordinator of Staff Development Centre for FHCS, EUSL from Aug, 2007- 2009.
- FHCS Represented member of the Research Sub-committee of EUSL from 2007- 2008.
- Functioned as Part-time Sub-Warden of Women’s Hostel, FHCS, EUSL from 16.06.2006.
- Member of Faculty Board of FHCS.
- Member of Senate of EUSL.
- Member of SLAAS.
- Member of stmis database of NSF
- Representing in the Faculty Research Committee, Ethics Review Committee, Curriculum Development & Evaluation Committee and the Faculty by-law committee.
- Member of the Board of Study of Basic Sciences of Medicine of Postgraduate institute of Medicine, University of Colombo.
- Member of the Anatomical Society of Sri Lanka and in the council.