Mrs. Janarthani Arulnathan

Mrs.Janarthani Arulnathan
BSc Special Human Biology (USJ), MPhil (UOC)
Senior Lecturer (Grade II)
Janarthani Arulnathan is a Senior Lecturer (Grade II) in Microbiology. Janarthani started her carrier as an academic in 2011 and has joined Eastern University in 2014. She graduated from Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura in 2010 and obtained her Master of Philosophy from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo. She has published research articles in indexed journals. She also presented her research findings in several scientific conferences and have received awards. Her research interest includes viral infections, host defence mechanisms and medical education. She currently heads the Department of Pathophysiology. She was born and studied in Batticaloa and she is a past pupil of BT/Vincent Girls’ National School.
Links to Publications
Indexed Journal Articles
- Janarthani Lohitharajah & Punithalingam Youhasan. Utilizing gamification effect through Kahoot in remote teaching of immunology: Medical students’ perceptions. Journal of Advances in Medical Education & Professionalism. July 2022. DOI: 10.30476/JAMP.2022.93731.1548.
- Thashi Chang, Teresa Moloney, Leslie Jacobson, Neelika Malavige, Janarthani Lohitharajah, Jithangi Wanigasinghe, Sian Peach, Mark Woodhall, Antonio Berretta, Patrick Waters, Angela Vincent. Significance of neuronal autoantibodies in comparison to infectious aetiologies among patients presenting with encephalitis in a region with a high prevalence of infections. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology. March 2022. DOI: 10.4103/aian.aian_280_21.
- Janarthani Lohitharajah, Neelika Malavige, Carukshi Arembepola, Jithangi Wanigasinghe, Ranjanie Gamage, Padma Gunaratne, Pyara Ratnayake, Thashi Chang. (2017). Viral aetiologies of acute encephalitis in a hospital–based population South Asian population. BMC Infectious Diseases, 17:303. DOI 10.1186/s12879-017-2403-z.
- Janarthani Lohitharajah, Gathsaurie Neelika Malavige, Anthony Jin Shun Chua, Mah Lee Ng, Carukshi Arembepola, Thashi Chang. Emergence of human West Nile virus infection in Sri Lanka. BMC Infectious Diseases (2015) 15:305.
- J Lohitharajah, G N Malavige, A Wijewickrama, A Ambagawita, A L P Senaviratne, G Ogg. Molecular characterisation of varicella zoster virus genotypes in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Medical Journal 2013; 58: 153-6.
Presentations at International / National / Regional Conferences /Symposia
- Nushrath AH, Fernando WIS, Fernando HIA, Kirushayini K, Janarthani L. Vaginal Delivery Vs Cesarean Sections: Preference and its influencing factors among pregnant mothers in urban Batticaloa, Sri Lanka. 136th Anniversary International Medical Congress of Sri Lanka Medical Association – July 2023. (Oral).
- Sasanthima Rathnasooriya, Shaminy Selvarathan, Eranga Ishani, Anushka Wijesinghe, Rashmi Dayasena, Janarthani Lohitharajah. COVID 19 vaccination readiness among Sri Lankan university students. 32nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases – 23rd -26th April 2022, Lisbon, Portugal. (Poster)
- Sasanthima Rathnasooriya, Shaminy Selvarathan, Eranga Ishani, Anushka Wijesinghe, Rashmi Dayasena, Janarthani Lohitharajah. COVID 19 vaccination readiness among Sri Lankan university students. Scientific Session on Communication in Healthcare – 2022 organized by Sri Lanka Medical Association – 2nd April 2022, Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Poster)
- Lemuel P, Aakil Javid MAH, Susana AL, Janarthani A. Knowledge and attitude on good and bad touch among grade 05 school students of community project area. 3rd Annual Research Students’ Session, Faculty of Health-Care Sciences – December 2021. (Oral)
- SGLPN Samarasinghe, RMCD Maithreepala, WN Rangana, MTM Thanis, J Lohitharajah. Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding standard precautions among nurses inTeaching Hospital Batticaloa. 2nd Annual Students’ Research Session, Faculty of Health-Care Sciences – December 2020. (Oral)
- SGLPN Samarasinghe, RMCD Maithreepala, WN Rangana, MTM Thanis, Janarthani Lohitharajah. Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding standard precautions among nurses in Teaching Hospital Batticaloa. 9th Annual Scientific Sessions and Conference of the Sri Lankan Society for Microbiology. 23rd October 2020. (Oral)
- Janarthani Lohitharajah, Punithalingam Youhasan. Utilizing an online game-based platform in remote teaching: Medical students’ perception. Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology – Education Symposium. 29th September 2020. (Oral)
- Kartheepan K, Sanooz ARM, Lohitharajah J, Sundaresan KT, Thayabaran M. Disease biology of dengue infection in Kattankudy region of Batticaloa district, Sri Lanka. 8th Annual Science Research Session of South Eastern University of Sri Lanka – November 2019. (Oral)
- Janarthani Lohitharajah, Gathsaurie Neelika Malavige, Carukshi Arembepola, Ranjanie Gamage, Padma Gunaratne, Jithangi Wanigasinghe, Pyara Ratnayake, Thashi Chang. Viral aetiologies of acute encephalitis in a hospital based population in Sri Lanka.17th International Congress on Infectious Diseases, Hyderabad, India, March 2016. (Poster)
- Janarthani Lohitharajah, Gathsaurie Neelika Malavige, Carukshi Arembepola, Ranjanie Gamage, Padma Gunaratne, Jithangi Wanigasinghe, Pyara Ratnayake, Thashi Chang. Viral aetiologies of acute encephalitis in a hospital based population in Sri Lanka. 9th Annual academic session of Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists – November 2015. (Oral)
- T Chang, T Moloney, LW Jacobson, GN Malavige, J Lohitharajah, J Wanigasinghe, S Peach, M Woodhall, P Waters, A Vincent. Autoantibody-associated autoimmune encephalitis in Sri Lanka. 9th Annual academic session of Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists – November 2015. (Poster)
- T Chang, T Moloney, LW Jacobson, GN Malavige, J Lohitharajah, J Wanigasinghe, S Peach, M Woodhall, P Waters, A Vincent. Autoantibody-associated autoimmuneencephalitis in Sri Lankan patients. 22nd World congress of neurology, September 2015 Santiago, Chile. (Poster)
- Janarthani Lohitharajah, Gathsaurie Neelika Malavige, S Sivayogan, Graham Ogg. Cultural practices adopted in managing chicken pox in Sri Lanka. Annual Scientific sessions of Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, November 2010. (Poster)
- Janarthani Lohitharajah, Gathsaurie Neelika Malavige, L T Rohanachandra, G P Karunasekara, A L P Seneviratne, Graham Ogg. Molecular characterization of varicella zoster virus strains in Sri Lanka. Annual Scientific sessions of Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, November 2010. (Oral)
- Janarthani Lohitharajah, Gathsaurie Neelika Malavige, L T Rohanachandra, G P Karunasekara, A L P Seneviratne, Graham Ogg. Molecular characterization of varicella zoster virus strains in Sri Lanka. 123rd Annual Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka Medical Association, May/June 2010. (Oral)
Research Interest
- Viral infections
- Host defence mechanisms
- Medical education
Undergraduate – MBBS and B. Sc (Nursing)
- PP 01 – Organisms causing diseases
- PP 04 – Immunopathology
- PH 07 – Prevention of communicable diseases
BSc Nursing:
- NPP 1209 – Aetiopathogenesis of human diseases
- NPP 2103 – Microbiology and Parasitology
Visiting Lecturer / Resource person for workshops
- Visiting Lecturer, BSc Nursing (External)
- President’s award for scientific research – 2019
- National Research Council Merit Award – 2017
Academic distinctions:
- B.Sc special Human biology – Part II : Distinction in Microbiology
- B.Sc special Human biology – Part III : Distinction in Microbiology
Research awards:
- Best oral presentation - ‘Viral aetiologies of acute encephalitis in a hospital–based population in Sri Lanka’. 9th Annual academic session of Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists, 2015.
- Best poster - Runner up – ‘Autoantibody-associated autoimmune encephalitis in Sri Lanka’. 9th Annual academic session of Association of Sri Lankan Neurologists, 2015.
- Best oral presentation – Runner up - ‘Molecular characterization of varicella zoster virus strains in Sri Lanka’. Annual scientific session of Batticaloa Medical Association, 2013.
Travel grants:
- Received travel grant from Rotary Global grant for advanced molecular training at University of Western Australia, Perth Australia.
Positions Held
At the University
- Head, Department of Pathophysiology – June 2023 to up to date
- Chairperson, Action Plan committee – 2021 to Present
- Focal point – Faculty Gender Equity and Equality Cell – 2020 to present
- Chairperson – 2nd Annual students’ research session 2020, Faculty of Health-Care Sciences, EUSL
- Member, Curriculum development and evaluation committee – 2022 to Present
- Member, Faculty Research committee – 2021 to present
- Member, Ethics Review committee – 2021 to present
Professional Membership
- Member, Sri Lankan Society for Microbiology
- Member, Sri Lankan Academy of Young Scientist
- Member, International society for infectious diseases (ISID)
- Certified Epicore member, ISID