Dr.(Mrs) N.Shobana

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Dr. Shobana graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo in 2020 with Second class honours. She was awarded Distinctions in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She completed her internship in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Paediatrics at Teaching Hospital Batticaloa from 2020 to 2021 and served as a relief house officer in Teaching Hospital Batticaloa from 2021 to 2022.
Dr.Shobana has started her academic career as a Probationary Lecturer at the Department of Primary Health Care in the Faculty of Health-Care Sciences in 2022. She has been successful at the selection examination in MD Family Medicine December 2023/ January 2024. Currently, she is following Pre MD training programme in Family Medicine.
Links to Publications
Presentations at International / National / Regional Conferences /Symposia
- Pragasan G, Arulanandem K, Kartheepan K, Sukunan G, Herath T, Shobana S, Jigashalja G, Sanjeev N. Perceptions and barriers to adopting healthy lifestyles modifications among adults in the Kokkuvil Public Health Inspector Area in Batticaloa. Research Conference of Faculty of Medicine – Jaffna 2022.
- Munasinghe H, Shobana S, Sivakanthan K: “A patient with beta-ketothiolase deficiency presented with severe dehydration”, Annual Academic Sessions 2022, Colombo South Clinical Society.
- Arulanandem K, Pragasan G, Herath T, Shobana S, Jigashalja G: Perception on holistic primary care for Non- Communicable Diseases among residents in the University Community Project Area, Batticaloa. International conference on Multidisciplinary Research, 2024.
Research Interest
- Family Health
- Women and Child Health
Undergraduate – MBBS and B. Sc (Nursing)
MBBS Course
- PH 01: Epidemiology
- PH 02: Demography and Health Informatics
- PH 03: Basic Statistics
- PH 04: Research Methodology
- PH 06: Prevention of Communicable Diseases
- PH 07: Environmental and Occupational Health
- PH 08: Non-Communicable Diseases
- PH 14: Family Health
Field Based Projects:
- PH 15: Community and Family Attachments
- PH 16: Primary Health Care Clerkship Program
- Faculty Colours 2015 for outstanding performance in Chess (Women)
- Distinction, Australian National Chemistry Quiz-2009, conducted by Royal Australian Chemical Institute
- Distinction, Sri Lankan Biology Olympiad-2011, conducted by Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka.
Positions Held
At the University
- Lecturer ( Prob) in Family Medicine- from 2022
- Module coordinator from 2022
- PH 02: Demography and Health Informatics
- PH 07: Environmental and Occupational Health
- PH 12: Nutrition and Dietetics
- Member- Gender Equity and Equality Cell, FHCS from 2022
- Member- EAHAI, FHCS from 2022