Dr Thilini Herath

Dr Thilini Herath
BSc (Special) in Health Promotion (Hons) (RUSL) , Master of Public Health (Epidemiology)(UoK), PhD in Public Health (UoK)
Senior Lecturer (Grade II)
Department of Primary Health Care
Faculty of Health-Care Sciences
Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Telephone: +94 71 817 5169
Email: herathhmtp@esn.ac.lk
Dr. Thilini Herath holds a B.Sc (Honors) in Health Promotion degree from the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Master of Public Health (Epidemiology) from University of Kelaniya and a PhD in Public Health from University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. Dr Herath’s research interests include in the subject areas of primary health care, health promotion and public health. Currently, Dr Herath serves as the coordinator of the Holistic Care Center, Faculty of Health-Care Sciences.
Links to Publications
Indexed Journal Articles
- Empowering communities to use healthy lifestyle centres: an implementation research from Sri Lanka, T Herath, M Perera, D Guruge, A Kasturiratne, BMJ open 14 (9), e075634
- Under-utilisation of noncommunicable disease screening and healthy lifestyle promotion centres: A cross-sectional study from Sri Lanka, T Herath, M Perera, A Kasturiratne, Plos one 19 (4), e0301510
- Factors influencing the decision to use state-funded healthy lifestyle centres in a low-income setting: a qualitative study from Sri Lanka, T Herath, M Perera, A Kasturiratne, BMJ open 13 (7), e067464
- The effect of a community based health promotion intervention to change gender norms among women in a rural community in Sri Lanka, T Herath, D Guruge, M Fernando, S Jayarathna, L Senarathna, BMC public health 18, 1-17
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
- Prevalence of risk factors of under-nutrition among children 1 to 5 years in eastern, Sri Lanka, T Herath, J Joseph, Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 4 (4), 103-107
Presentations at International / National / Regional Conferences /Symposia
- Herath HMTP, Fernando WMS, Duminda GGN. Evaluation of a Health Promotion intervention in changing acceptance of gender roles among women in a rural community in Sri Lanka. in the International Conference on Global Public Health, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 2012
- Herath HMTP, Fernando WMS, Duminda GGN. Evaluation of a Health Promotion approach in reducing family acceptance on gender roles in a community in Medawachchiya Medical Officer of Health area in Sri Lanka. in the International Conference on Public Health Innovations, Kalutara, Sri Lanka, 2013
- Herath HMTP, Fernando WMS, Duminda GGN.Evaluation of a Health Promotion approach in improving the physical wellbeing among women in a village in Anuradhapura district in Sri Lanka. in the International Conference on Public Health Innovations, Kalutara, Sri Lanka, 2013
- Kisokanth G, Arulanandem K, Sundaresan KT, Joseph J, Thayaparan M, Herath HMTP & Dayarathne DARK. Prevalence and risk factors of Diabetes Mellitus among adults in Batticaloa District – A pilot study. in 4th International Conference of Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2016
- Herath HMTP, Fernando M, Jayarathna JEMSS, Guruge D. Health Promotion intervention to change perceptions on gender-based violence among families in a rural area in Sri Lanka in the International Conference on Global Public Health, Malaysia, 2018
- Jayarathna JEMSS, Fernando M, Herath HMTP, Guruge D. A community-based Health Promotion intervention in changing the attractive image on alcohol among grade 8 to 11 students in a government school in North Central Province in Sri Lanka in the International Conference on Global Public Health, Malaysia, 2018
- Herath HMTP, Josepha J, Arulpragasam A. Perceptions on gender and gender-based violence among medical and nursing students in Eastern Sri Lanka in International Nursing Congress, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 2018
- Thilini Herath, Manuja Perera, Anuradhani Kasturiratne. Reasons to undergo screening for non-communicable diseases by apparently healthy people: A qualitative study from Sri Lanka in 51st Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health; SDGsin Reality, Bangkok, Thailand, 2019
- Thilini Herath, Manuja Perera, Anuradhani Kasturiratne. Reasons for underutilization of healthy lifestyle centers: perceptions of health care providers in 132nd Anniversary International Medical Congress ofthe Sri Lanka Medical Association, Colombo, 2019
- Thilini Herath, Manuja Perera, Anuradhani Kasturiratne. Factors associated with utilization of healthy lifestyle centres, a screening service for risk factors of non-communicable diseases in Sri Lanka in 52nd Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health; Colombo, 2020
- Thilini Herath, Manuja Perera, Anuradhani Kasturiratne. How do Men who Choose Not to Participate in Healthy Lifestyle Centres Reason About Their Decision? In 133th Anniversary International Medical Congress of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, Colombo, 2020
- Herath HMTP, Fernando WMS, Senarathna L, Duminda GGN. Evaluation of a health promotion intervention in changing acceptance of a gender norm which justifies men’s tobacco use, among women in a rural community in Sri Lanka in the Combating against alcohol tobacco and other drugs for the national development, Colombo, 2015
- Jayarathna JEMSS, Herath HMTP, Fernando WMS, Senarathna L, Duminda GGN. Norms on attractive image given to alcohol among students in a government school in North Central Province in Sri Lanka: Findings from a cross-sectional survey in the Combating against alcohol tobacco and other drugs for the national development, Colombo, 2015
- Pallewaththa PWPWK, Herath HMTP, Fernando WMS, Duminda GGN. Evaluation of a health promotion intervention in changing peer pressure on tobacco use, among men in a rural community in Sri Lanka in the Combating against alcohol tobacco and other drugs for the national development, Colombo, 2015
- Liyanage NK, Pallewaththa PWPWK, Herath HMTP, Fernando WMS, Duminda GGN. Evaluation of a health promotion intervention in reducing public places which support tobacco use, among men in a rural community in Sri Lanka in the Combating against alcohol tobacco and other drugs for the national development, Colombo, 2015
- Arulanandem K, Kisokanth G, Sundaresan KT, Joseph J, Thayaparan M, Herath HMTP, Dayarathna R. Projections of diabetes mellitus in a sample of adults in Batticaloa: a pilot study in Batticaloa Medical Association annual sessions, Sri Lanka, 2015
- Somasiri KG, Hearth HMTP and Rajakumaray JN. Knowledge and practice gap in primary prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases among pre-intern doctors in Batticaloa Medical Association annual sessions, Sri Lanka, 2015
- Arulanandem K, Kisokanth G, Sundaresan KT, Joseph J, Thayaparan M & Herath HMTP. Anemia in a sample of adults ages 20 to 85 years in selected divisional secretariat divisions, Batticaloa district. at 128th Anniversary International Medical Congress of Sri Lanka medical Association, Colombo, 2015.
- Dayarathne DARK, Sundaresan KT, Kisokanth G, Arulanadem K, Josepha J, Thayaparan M, Herath HMTP. “Prevalence and Risk Factors of Diabetes Mellitus among Adults in Batticaloa District – A pilot study”. at 9th Annual Scientific Sessions of Galoya Nimna Clinical Society, Ampara, Sri Lanka, 2016 (Requested presentation)
- Thilini Herath, Manuja Perera, Anuradhani Kasturiratne. Family and community factors influencing the utilization of healthy lifestyle centers in Research Conference in Health Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 2021
- Thilini Herath, Manuja Perera, Anuradhani Kasturiratne. The effect of a community-based health promotion intervention to improve utilization of healthy lifestyle centers in Sri Lanka in 26th Annual Scientific Sessions of the College of Community Physicians in Sri Lanka, 2021 (Selected as the best oral presentation)
Research Interest
- Community-based participatory research,
- health promotion interventions,
- primary health care utilisation,
- gender-based violence,
- non-communicable diseases
- risk factor prevention,
- male health seeking behaviour
Undergraduate – MBBS and B. Sc (Nursing)
- PH 01- Introduction to Epidemiology
- PH 02- Demography
- PH 04- Research Methodology
- PH 09- Health Promotion, Health Education and Community Interventions
- PH 11- Research and Applied Statistics
- PH 15- Field based project
- International travel grant in 2019 from National Science Foundation
- Best paper in the Annual research session of the college of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, 2021
- Vice Chancellor’s award 2022 for the Output Based Research
Positions Held
- Coordinator- Holistic Care Center, Faculty of Health-Care Sciences
- Coordinator- Proposed Bachelor of Public Health degree programme